I’m linking up with Andy’s Creative Tuesday over at Poppies at Play and Get Your Craft On at Today’s Creative Blog and I figured this would be the perfect time to showcase my file cabinet that I Mod Podged and made over. šŸ™‚ I got the tutorial from Mod Podge Rocks although I didn’t go to the extreme that she did (I was too lazy!), I think it came out great. šŸ™‚

Here is my old, beat up, dusty-lookin file cabinet BEFORE:Holy glare from the camera!


I picked up a really cool scrapbook kit from Walmart for $5 but didn’t measure my cabinet before that. The drawers are 11×13. šŸ™ So thankfully I found coordinating trim in the kit for each paper and managed to cover the whole drawer. Could not figure out how to get my lock thing-y off so I had to go around it. Not easy. I actually kind of butchered it but thankfully my cabinet was black so you can’t really tell. šŸ™‚

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  1. i have an old file cabinet that i painted orange a few years ago – i know – orange??? at least it is a burnt orange color and not blaze orange! I will so be putting some paper and mod podge on that boy one of these days!!!

  2. My cabinet doesn’t match my studio at all. This would be a perfect project!

    ~ The Speckled Dog

  3. the cabinet looks great!I love the paper you used

  4. I love this idea. I have a beat-up brown metal rolling cabinet I got for $2 at Goodwill and I use it for tool storage in my craft room. I’m in the middle of cleaning, organizing and decorating my room, so this is definately a project I’m going to try! Thanks to you and Mod Podge Rocks!

  5. LOVE it! I have a big filing cabinet I am going to attempt this on!

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