Welcome friends!!! Hope everyone is doing well! Leave me a comment and tell me something interesting about yourself. I want to get to know you. šŸ™‚

Well, today my sister is getting married. She’s 36 and has waited a really long time for God to bring the “one” into her life and the day has finally arrived! I’ve been exercising and watching what I eat so that my dress fits (I’m the Matron of Honor) and I’d be lying if I said I was going to behave tonight at the wedding. Oh No! I can’t wait to indulge and eat some junk! lol How terrible! It’s my birthday next week so maybe I should save some of my appetite for dinners out and birthday cake!

I think I’m going to do a little something new with New Friend Friday. I really want to get to know all of you wonderful ladies who link up week in and week out but it’s sooo hard to get to visit every single blog. If you notice in the beginning of this post, I asked you to tell me something interesting about yourself. I hope you do. Each week I will post a new topic for you to leave me a comment about. It’s my way of getting to know you. Okay, I will go first.

{I once completed 4 lists of 25 Random Things About Me on Facebook. Yup, I was able to list 100 weird things about myself. And I do have to say, some of them were soooo funny. My friends loved them. Did I mention that I’m weird???? LOL}

Now, let’s party!!!

  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above your name in the list and comment on their blog.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative.
  • There is no obligation to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. šŸ™‚

So, grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Something interesting about me? Hmm and narrow it down to one? Now that’s the hard part. When I was pregnant I had a condition called puppps that did not affect my daughter at all but made pregnancy miserable. That experience makes me scared to do it again, but seeing her every day makes me question that. I’m http://www.momnonstop.blogspot.com. This is also my first link up party!

  2. So sweet that you want to get to know us. First of all, apparently I can’t read because I missed the Post to main blog part! Please delete #10 carrots & eggs. Besides my reading deficiency, I’m an accountant by trade and happen to be great at it. I’m a creative by hobby and and crappy at it, but love it. The two don’t usually go together, but in me they somehow work! Thanks for your awesome blog

  3. Chantel and Michael Magistro says:

    Congratulations to your sister! And I hope you have a wonderful birthday in a week šŸ™‚ I say, splurge on the delicious foods she has, because you’ve earned it šŸ˜€

    Hmm, something weird about me… I’m pretty sure I have lots of weird, quirky things that I do, LoL. I dance around my apartment, even when no music is playing, and I will sometimes sing the wrong lyrics on purpose to songs. Occasionally I make up words, and use them in conversations with my husband, just to try and throw him off šŸ˜€

    If you’d like to know any other weird things I do, feel free to ask šŸ™‚


  4. What a great idea. Besides crafting, I love British things – history, books, tv shows, country homes, tea. LOL. Would love to have a little cottage there to craft in!

  5. I LOVE to save money on groceries with coupons and blog about it. Thanks so much for hosting this every week! I also got engaged in Spain 2 years ago and am now married to a wonderful husband! šŸ™‚

  6. Congrats to your sister for finding the love of her life. And congrats to you for being able to EAT!! I love to eat and feel no guilt šŸ˜‰

    Something interesting about me…I love to abbreviate words. Most of the time my hubby can figure out what I mean but sometimes it gets kind of weird or maybe even a little gross when I abbreviate stuff. That is all I am going to say about that šŸ™‚

    Thanks for hosting the fun party! Travel safe.

  7. How fun! I worked at DQ all through high school. Mmmm! Made new creations all the time. Strawberry Sprinkles Blizzard was my absolute fave. šŸ™‚ And after I worked a full day, I would hear the sound of the blizzard machine as I closed my eyes for bed. Ha!

  8. Something interesting about me? Hmmmm – I am pretty ordinary. I live on a small farm and I have milked goats and cows but everyone is dry now.

  9. First off, Congrats to your sister! Thanks so much for hosting this and for having this idea for comments. It helps all of us to get to know each other more too.

    Something interesting: I am a 30 somethings trapped in an old woman’s body. I love to knit, craft, drink hot tea, eat oatmeal, stay in at night and read, and I am learning to quilt. Everyone picks on me for being so “old”. šŸ™‚

  10. I married my husband after only dating for 2 months. We got engaged after 2 weeks. 9 years later we’re still going strong šŸ™‚

  11. Something about me eh…well I’m Canadian! (Did you gather that from the “eh” thrown in there!) I have dreams of my 5mo old son becoming a hocky player for the Vancouver Canucks and recently discovered my LOVE to craft so I started a blog about it! Come check it out! Super cute pics of my future hockey star included! šŸ˜‰ http://alyashcreations.blogspot.com/

  12. Iam a new blogger. I Love all types of DIY’s and crafting. I Love to decorate. I love homemade vanilla icecream and sweet tea! (guess you can tell by now, Iam a Southern Gal), I love the beach, just not sunburn!! Ouch!! Iam a little weird too!! Rhonda

  13. Happy Wedding Day to your sister. Enjoy! One thing about me…everyone calls me crazy, but I love Los Angeles and want to live there again. I am also a native California girl – there are not many.

  14. There are so many weird things about me that I can’t name them all but here is a new weird thing about me, I am taking one day a week off from my computer! Funny thing for a blogger to say huh! Oh and I go to church every Sunday morning but on Sunday nights I work at a hotel and have to deal with drunk fisherman all night! That is only weird because it is such a change of pace!

  15. Kelli @ RTSM says:

    This is my first time to link up! I just found your blog when I was looking for tips on how to create a menu bar…your tutorial was wonderful:) I love the rules for this link up…I dislike the ones that say you have to follow everyone who follows you, because I may not be interested in every single blogger that follows me. Okay, on to the one interesting fact about me. I am completely outnumbered in my house with a hubby and three boys! I could really use a little pink in my life every once in a while:)

  16. Congratulations to your sister, so exciting!

    A little something about me? I have very little (OK, no) coordination. When I was really little my mother enrolled me in ballet class. I lasted all about a month before the teacher reccomend I try something else. So, yep, at 7 years old I was kicked out of ballet class! (the next week my father signed me up for swim team and I never looked back). Happy Friday!

  17. I’ll tell you something about me that’s been on my mind lately. I am originally from Spain and very self conscious about English being my second language!

  18. What a great idea! Let’s see…interesting thing about me. My vision is bad enough to qualify me as legally blind, and I am thankful every day for modern technology that can correct it!

  19. pk @ Room Remix says:

    Congratulations to your sister!
    One thing about me – I live in Minnesota and I’m excited that spring is here! šŸ™‚
    This is such a great idea for a party! Thanks for hosting. Hope you have a great weekend.

  20. Have a great time this w/e!…and I’m glad to hear you’re not planning to behave šŸ˜‰

    Right now I’m obsessing about the lists I’m not making. I need to get a list in place for my plan this w/e and lists to get things ready for vacation, and lets definitely not forget the grocery list…and the list of my lists goes on šŸ˜‰

  21. Lisa @ Another Day Today says:

    Thanks for hosting NFF – I’ve really enjoyed it!

    What’s weird about me? We bought a house across the street from my parents. And like it!

  22. I can’t wait to read about your sister’s wedding. Hope it’s everything she’s been waiting for.

    I once tried to prove a point by running away from home. When I got back 45 minutes later, no one had even missed me…

  23. Something interesting about me is that I’ve never been on an airplane. Not so crazy to me but other people find it strange. I’m from a small town and never really did much traveling. Now that I’m older I haven’t had the need to.

  24. something weird about me…hmmm, how to pick just one?

    here’s a few: i love to tap dance (grew up clogging), i know how to drive a horse carriage, and i know waaaay too much about chickens! (i grew up on a farm, and i showed them at the fair)

    growing up, i never considered these things weird, but once i started meeting kids who weren’t from the country, i realized that not everyone does these things! šŸ™‚

    i <3 new friend friday! keep it up!

  25. Hi! Something interesting about me? Okay, I grew up on a farm with 3 sisters and a brother. We raised pigs for a few years. We never had cows, but I still have dreams of giant giraffe like cows chasing me through the barn!

  26. Hmmmm… weird… and I have to pick 1 thing… Talk about difficult!

    Okay, when I was in HS my parents made me take all advanced placement English courses. As a result, I HATE grammar but love to read. Now, at the ripe old age of 31, I feel like the grammar police as I mentally pick apart grammatical errors in all the books I read. I just can’t stop myself! Its been drilled into my brain!

    Yeah, I’m a weirdo. And that was just ONE of weirdonesses… (I think I just made that word up…)

    Happy weekend and happy wedding!!

  27. Hey There,
    I want to add my thanks for hosting this party! I love NFF because I get to meet lots of other crafty ladies, by coincidence I guess. I’m not sure if this is interesting, but because of all the different Friday linky parties I always end up spending half my Fridays reading blogs! Guess that’s the fun part of being unemployed. Best wishes to your sister. I’m sure she’ll be happy she waited for the one.


  28. Angie @ The Country Chic Cottage says:

    Hmmm…something interesting…this is my first New Friend Friday — I just found you last week. Not interesting enough? I live on a farm….I have three kids….I work full time…I LOVE to blog. šŸ™‚ Hey that was more than one thing!

  29. I LOVE to learn how to do new things, but I only have the attention span to learn to do them “well-enough,” and then I’m on to a new creative outlet. I’m afraid I’ll never master anything, but hopefully I’ll still have some projects I can brag about. šŸ™‚

  30. I used to have the “currently seeking a new country to rule” attitude with people, but now I have 5 children and have my own small country to rule over.:) Sometimes life turns out just as you always wanted.

  31. Let’s see, something interesting about me. . .I am trying to teach myself how to play the guitar. It is a lot harder than it looks. I think I need a teacher. I took lessons at one time, but I was pregnant and my belly got in the way. šŸ™‚

  32. Thanks for hosting Diana!

    Hmmm…I’ve been really thinking about getting some backyard chickens. I’m fascinated with the idea of fresh eggs and a couple of pet chicks. I live in the suburbs with a small yard, but the city allows three hens. I’m afraid my dog might try to eat them though!

  33. Hi Diane,

    I live in Airdrie, Alberta Canada, I am a mom of three I would part-time and my hobbies are cooking reading, beading and blogging.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.

    you can find me at http://copperpennydesigns.blogspot.com

    Have a great weekend. Love the badge.


  34. Hi! Congrats to your sister! Enjoy yourself and some treats while you are there AND on your birthday! It’s your reward for being good! Something interesting….well, I am from New Jersey, my husband is from upstate New York, we met in South Florida, planned our NY wedding while living in Houston, TX and now live in Central Florida!

  35. Happy Friday Follow! Something interesting and to the point? I’ve worn glasses since I was two years old. Geeky? Maybe but I’m so used to them that I’ve never worn contacts either! Check me out… still a rockstar! http://lidiaadel.blogspot.com

  36. Blessings to your sister! And Happy Early Birthday!!!!!

    Something about me??? I married my high school sweetheart! We’ve been married almost 13 years, have 3 kids, a busy life, and still going strong!

    Hugs! Melanie

  37. Hello,
    This is my first time visting your blog. I wanted to post my link on your NEW FRIEND FRIDAY but I guess I was too late. It’s telling me it’s closed when I click on it šŸ™ I guess there’s always next week! =) I’m adding your button to my blog and will become a new follower of yours. If you have time, stop by and check out my blog

    See you next Friday!

  38. Hi
    Thank you so much for hosting this party. I just started the Link parties 2 days ago & they are a blast!! Have fun at your sister’s wedding & Happy Birthday next week!
    Something interesting about me…I must be crazy to make 300 jars of jam in 108 degree heat in the middle of summer in Central Calif. but we have fruit trees & I sell it. I have won about 10 1st place Blue ribbons for various blends I come up with.Favorite id Straw/Rasp/Blueberry..I’d love to give you some..
    Hope you can visit my blog sometime @ santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com
    I’m starting an Etsy Shoppe next week & hope to start my own Party Link soon..Hope you will join in when that happens. Bye..Barb

  39. Cris Davis if you read this. I can’t leave a comment on your blog.
    I love this party. I want to meet friends! Come see me. I will even follow you if you follow me šŸ™‚
    Let’s spread the love in blog world!

  40. Just a follow up to my last comment – I must have made a booboo cause I tried again and I was able to link up! YAY!! lol

  41. Something interesting about me is that I’m really afraid of balls. I think my fear stems from the fact that I can’t catch so if a ball is flying toward me I’m pretty much powerless to stop it, besides ducking, which I do. Bowling balls and pool balls that are designed to travel away from a person rather than toward aren’t as big of a problem.

  42. Congrats to your sister! My sister is 35 and will be getting married next month! It is so exciting for them after waiting so long to meet that perfect man.

  43. Hi! I guess one of my weirdest things (to my world history high school students) is that I like to sing and dance and recite to show my enthusiasm for the stuff we are discussing. Being teens who would rather DIE than stand out, they always laugh, loving that I will do what they simply can’t (yet)! HAPPY FRIDAY!

  44. I love your blog and just linked up to your New Friend Friday…what a great blog carnival!

  45. Have fun at the wedding! This is my second week here and I think it is great! Something about me?? hmmmm….well, I have 4 siblings (I am the oldest), I have 4 daughters and I am an Aunt to 4 kids. Kinda strange I guess! Another cool thing is that my husband is VP of a non-profit in Cincinnati, Ohio called Matthew 25 Ministries that does disaster relief and helps the poorest of the poor around the world!

  46. I just found your blog! I love it! What a fun way to get to know some other bloggers. =)

  47. Congratulations to your sister, how exciting, have a great time!!
    Humm….something about me we are moving to Charleston,SC the end of April….and I am a exctied but at the same time sad that I am not going to be near my Mom and Dad. Now if I could just talk them into moving in with us. :o)

  48. congratulations to your sister and new BIL! Hope you all had a blast. šŸ™‚ weddings are so fun. i must say- i love the brightness of your blog design- there is no strain on my eyes at all when i’m reading it. yes, sometimes i leave weird but relevant comments. šŸ™‚

    and i’m here participating in my first ever friday follow!

    and now i’m going to try new friend friday too. šŸ™‚

  49. ps. i see that XpresYourself is one of your sponsers- i used her custom decals on my front door- LOVVVE!!

  50. An interesting thing about me is that I met my husband on Myspace. We like to joke that we are the only good thing to ever come because of that site! We’ve been married for 3 1/2 years and going strong šŸ™‚

  51. have a blast at the wedding!!!

    about me: sunshine makes me happy!

  52. Something interesting about me? I really like to Minor in Majors in the world of crafting. I like to do lots of things…anything really if it involves scissors, glue, or glitter. I just don’t have the attention span to really get ‘very good’ at any one thing b/c there is always something new I want to try as opposed to keeping up with the same project. P.s. What I got from your sharing and your sister being 36 is there’s still hope for me. ;o) I’m always glad to read of a happy ending after the age of 30, it’s a scary age to still be a single. :O)

  53. I’m new here, I can’t remember how I got here. šŸ™‚ Congrats to your sister!

    about me: I’m addicted to my iPhone!

  54. Hi!

    My name is Briana, and I’m really excited about New Friend Friday! I’m new to the blogging world, and am really excited to make friends!
    My random fact is…. I’m a classically trained musician who LOVES children and is thinking about getting a family therapy degree!

    Happy Friday!! šŸ™‚

  55. Love this blog! Congrats to your sister. šŸ™‚

    Something interesting about me?? Hmmmmm. My husband and I met when we were 14. We’ve been married almost 10 years now and have known each other for more than half of our lives! šŸ™‚

    Have a great weekend! šŸ™‚

  56. Hi Diana, I love your idea of the New Friends Friday it really is fun to get to know other blogs. Something interesting about myself is that I’m a newlywed and only twenty one years old, i love meeting new blog friends even though most of the time they are really more mature than i am, I just look at them as inspiration, i want to be like that when i grow up šŸ˜‰

  57. Thanks for hosting this party. I like it because it feels less competitive than a party to ‘strut your stuff’ or whatever.

  58. Congratulations to your sister. It really sound soexciting when you hear someone getting married. Wish them the best and happy friendship friday.

  59. Something about me? I’m a paper collector. LOL! I paper craft, but when I get papers I love, I can’t cut them. Freak!

  60. I hope you have a great time at the wedding! Random fact about me: I cycled 1000 miles in just over 4 weeks. Without training first. While living in a tent. In Iceland.

  61. Hello! I’m Mrs.M. I speak 5 languages and at least 3 dialects but I’m afraid I’m not fluent with one and beginning to lose my fluency with my mother tongue šŸ™ Too much language learning.

    I love your blog. You’re so creative. Thanks for hosting NFF.

  62. Hi! I found your blog through Friday Follow. I can’t wait to poke around some more and take a closer look. Have a lovely weekend.

  63. Hi, My Name is Jacob, I am a Homeschooling Kid who Loves My Heavenly Father,and My Family.
    My Hobbies is Blogging, Working in My Garden,drawing and hunting .

  64. Unfortunately I don’t get a chance to comment on too many blogs… but I do get to read them šŸ™‚ and yours is one of my favs!

    Um… something interesting about me? I’m allergic to Christmas trees! I don’t know if that is interesting or sad, but it does cause a lot of grief in my house around the holidays because I have to be a party-pooper on the whole “real tree” thing!

    Best wishes for your sister and her love! I pray God blesses them with many happy hears šŸ™‚

  65. Hello, I am a Mom to 1 Son whom I have Homeschooled since he was 4.
    I Love Our Heavenly Father,and My Family.
    I Love to Paint,Crochet,Spend Quiet Moments with my Family,Garden,and Clean House(Yep I Love Cleaning House )

  66. Congratulations to your sister. I was a late bloomer and had to wait a long time too. I married for the first time just before my 40th birthday! I am a knitter, crocheter, embroiderer, but I’m also the gardener, dog trainer and maid! I’m Canadian but have been to Texas 6+ times and my friends there say I am an honorary Texan (I have no idea why there’s such a strong connection).
    At first I had trouble thinking of something interesting about me, but now that I read this, I told you several things! Well I feel better about myself now! Thanks!

  67. Here from FF running behind this week

    Take a minute to check out my blog
    I Have a Misikko Hana flat Iron Giveaway Going over 100 dollar package and other giveaways also


  68. I am a complete OCD neat freak. Messes really bother me. My hubby is definitely the opposite way. Our 2 year old son takes after me though- thank goodness! haha šŸ™‚
    We’re excited that we have a baby girl on the way in less than 2 weeks. I am sleeping much better at nights now that her room is all done.


  69. What a fun way to connect with your blog friends. I’m sure all have a story to tell. Part of my story includes being in the circus at Florida State University. I doubt I could climb one of the acrobatic ropes today!

  70. Very cool! love your new friend fridays:) and ahhh so happy its finally Friday! Stop by and see me!

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