Last year my daughter came home from school with some “Magic” Reindeer Food and we really had so much fun trecking out to the front yard (all 5 feet lol) and sprinkling it on our grass on Christmas Eve that I wanted to share the reindeer food recipe w!th you. Plus I tossed in a fun bag label for you too.

Magic Reindeer Food Recipe
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 sugar
1/4 red or green decorating sugar crystals

Combine ingredients in small ziplock snack bag and add the label.

Reindeer food recipe and printable

Click HERE to download label.

Label is created to be folded in half once cut out and stapled to the baggie.

UPDATE: Click HERE to download a new version of the Magic Reindeer Food label! The label above is still available but now you have a choice. šŸ™‚

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  1. Stephanie Carnes says:

    Thank you! I just signed up to make labels for my son’s class, and you did it for me. Too cute!

  2. Hey I just adore this! You did an awesome job!! I featured you at my blog today. I’d love it if you could stop by and say hey! While your there I’ve got a widget on the top right hand side. For each click it gets P&G will donate 1 days worth of clean water! I’d appreciate a click! Easy way to give back! Thanks!


  3. What a fun idea. I’m to make some for my nieces and nephews that I’ll be seeing Christmas Eve. I think I’ll just put out plain oats in my backyard. lol

  4. thank you so much. I’m going to do this for my son’s preschool class, and got on here tonight just to look for something like this

  5. This reminds me of my childhood. Every Christmas Eve my dad and I would make raindeer food. Which, by the way, is nothing like your raindeer food, and more like rice crispy treats with shreaded wheat, oat meal and anything else he happened to find that yeat that sounded good to go in there. I guess those raindeer aren’t too picky. šŸ™‚

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