Welcome to our 3rd Creative Girls Blog Hop! This is a linky party where we can come together and add links to our BLOG (NOT a project post) so that we can find new ones to read and support and to also help get the word out about our blog. I know first hand that a lot of time and energy go into our blogs and it’s very fulfulling to have lots of people to share it with.  So, read the guidelines below BEFORE linking up and then go have some fun!

The blog that I’m featuring this week is Crafts & Sutch. Please take a few minutes to stop by Erin’s blog and leave her a little comment love. It won’t be a bad idea if you followered her too. She’s has a lot of great project to share.:)

Crafts & Sutch

Grab a button and let the fun begin! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

The Girl Creative

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Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Crafts & Sutch is a great feature. I only discovered her about 2 months ago and she is one of my FAVES! Happy Weekend!
    504 Main

  2. Kelli @ RTSM says:

    Thanks so much for hosting! I love to see which blog you are going to feature each week. Erin’s blog is so cute and full of great ideas!

  3. Diana, you are such a dear! Thank you so very much for showing me off today! šŸ™‚ You’ve made my weekend! šŸ™‚

  4. Crafts & Sutch is too cute, been following her for awhile. Thanks for hosting! (:

  5. What a great idea this is…I am happy to be a part of the girls hop and looking forward to visiting others šŸ™‚

  6. Thank for hosting! Love it!
    Dana @ D’Lea Designs

  7. Hello,
    Love your blog it is so cute and creative.I can’t wait to start my many crafts…I am now following you, Please stop by and say hi and follow me too…Areyouamom.com

  8. Hi there…me again…

    I posted the button for the hop a few days ago, and it worked just fine. But when I jumped on my blog just now, the image was gone and was replaced by a message that said, “Bandwith Exceeded…Photobucket”. Should I remove the button and plug in a new code, or wait it out for a few days?



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