Ever walk through a store and something catches your eye and you just have to take a photo of it because of course as a DIY blogger you say to yourself, “I can totally make that”? (hello longest sentence ever) Well that happened to me a few weeks ago when I saw some wall art with a quote that I just loved and new I needed to make it into subway art.
Optimistic Subway Art_Preview

Too many times our minds are bombarded by negative thoughts. We let the weight of the world weigh us down and we allow feelings of insecurity, fear, self-doubt, etc take over our thoughts. I think we need a constant reminder of the blessings we have and to just be thankful to be alive. To enjoy every moment and not to take anything for granted.
With that said, we should always try to:
Optimistic Subway Art_png
Download PDF HERE
Personal Use Only. Please do not redistribute, copy or sell this artwork without express written consent.
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  1. Lovely printable! You just inspired my bathroom redo this week! *thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!

  2. Oh I love it – thanks for sharing!! Haha and yes – I was snapping my camera away like mad when I was at Home Goods the other day. I kept seeing stuff (really expensive, pretty stuff) that made me think, “I could probably make that for so much less!” Ha.

  3. This is great! Thank you for sharing it with us.

  4. I’m going to put this somewhere as a reminder to myself everyday! I’m Mrs. Negative Pants and I am trying to do better!

  5. This is lovely! I printed one out for each of my girls. Thank you!!!

  6. Thank you so much! This is an AWESOME Printable! Love it! 🙂

  7. lemondedis says:

    j’adore !… je cherche des freebies sur le Net pour les partager, pour l’instant sur Pinterest (où j’ai déjà plus de 13000 liens vers des téléchargements gratuits), en attendant l’ouverture de mon propre site, et je vais vite poster le lien pour que tout le monde puisse télécharger et utiliser votre jolie création !… merci pour le partage, Is… (si vous voulez voir ce que je fais, c’est là : http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/ )

  8. Thank you. Its a lovely print out

  9. Kristen Jones says:

    Do you have the pdf of this subway art?

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