Boy oh boy this is a tough one! And ya know what? Very true! My weight loss journey has been a very long roller coaster ride. I remember being 127 pounds and looking in the mirror thinking I was fat. That right there tells me that being skinny is not the answer. Yes, it’s a goal of mine but even when I was skinny, I still had a warped view of myself. While making the right choices and getting healthy is important, it’s more important to love ourselves in our current state. As long as we are in this world we will never reach perfection. There is always going to be something that we don’t like about ourselves, something that needs improving. I think we need to first deal with what’s on our inside and learn to love and accept ourselves as we are and THEN focus on the outward appearance.

So……….how about this – I know this is our 3rd day already but grab a piece of paper and number it 1-31. Every day I want you to write down something positive about yourself. So when this month is over you will not only have a bunch of inspirational cards to tote around with you but you will have a list of some wonderful qualities about yourself that you can read when you are feeling down or discouraged.

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