Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!! I’m not much of a Corn Beef & Cabbage kind of girl but I do love desserts and treats so I wanted to share with you some St. Patrick’s Day treats that I rounded up a few for you to try. If you aren’t Irish, no worries. I know these goodies will taste great to anyone…….even this Italian!
St. Patty's Day Desserts
Low Fat St. Patrick's Day Dessert
Chocolate Mint Cheesecake Bars
Treat Bars
Chocolate Crepes filled with Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Looking for more St. Patty’s Day ideas, check these out!

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  1. Reba Files says:

    Recipe for Green velvel Cake was not available – it too me to a horoscope site. Please check and repost. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I fixed the link. 🙂

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