For the longest time, the walls in my living room were pretty bare and I just kept drawing a blank as to what to do with them. Over Christmas break, my husband mounted our tv which got me in the mood to start decorating. Doing that one thing really made a bit difference in our living room. We bought a media console to go under it and our living room was finally starting to come together and I knew that I had found a home for some Valentine subway art to display.
On Thanksgiving I had asked my dad to build me a mantle shelf for the wall opposite the tv. I know that it was easy enough to do ourselves but knew that we wouldn’t have the time before Christmas to do it and well……….I kind of wanted it like yesterday so my dad came to the rescue. “While you’re at it………….could you bring me an old window if you happen to have one?” (which I knew he did! He built my mom a greenhouse with a bunch of old windows he collected and I knew he had to have a few kicking around. I was right!)
Here’s what I got Christmas Eve (I was like a little kid on Christmas morning!)
The candle sticks I picked up at Burlington for $9.99 (total bargain). Finally a place to decorate for the holidays (yeah!!!!!!!!!!!) and for everyday stuff as well. I decided to do a little something for Valentine’s Day. I didn’t spend any money to do this. I just did a little shopping around the house and in the basement.
The text on the Valentine subway art is from 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. I love this because I can keep it up throughout the year because God’s Word is for everyday, not just for holidays. I had the frame downstairs and I had that bouquet of red roses in the basement also. That thing is so old! lol But I’m glad I held onto it all this time.

And how about another view….


{i since removed the “laugh” sign after looking at these pictures but I’m loving the look of this shelf.}
I’m sharing this “Love” printable with you so all you have to do is right click on the subway art below and “save as”. It will print on regular 8.5×11 paper.

UPDATE: A few of you had trouble when printing. I’m not sure why but I’ve added 2 links for you to use instead of doing “save as”. If you had trouble with the original file, but had success with either the download files below, please let me know which worked for you. Thank you!!



Please DO NOT share this freebie once you have downloaded it. Direct people to this post to obtain their own copy. šŸ™‚ This subway art is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. DO NOT USE THIS TO CREATE GIFTS TO SELL.


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  1. Definetly printing this one out! Thanks for sharing!

    Creatively Living

  2. I love it! I can’t wait to find a place for it!
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. FancieStrands T.Kowalczyk says:

    Love this! Just printed mine. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So pretty – I don’t usually decorate for Valentine’s Day, but I think I’ll start. Thanks!

  5. THANK YOU for sharing your picture! i cant wait to print this out. šŸ™‚

  6. Thank you so much for this. I love your choice of verse and the “art” of fonts you used. I usually make my own subway art; but I found this one to be so beautiful I had to use it instead. Thanks again, I’m sure it will be well enjoyed in my home for many years to come.

  7. I love this! I plan to do one for our home, and one for our daughter’s as well. Thank you!

  8. Gorgeous shelf! Thanks so much for the printable- I love your selection of the different fonts!

  9. Thank you so much for this printable!!! I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I was wondering if it would be possible to get it in a higher resolution…it was coming out a little fuzzy:(

  10. Nysha Murray says:

    Thanks for sharing this, I absolutely love it!

  11. The Girl Creative says:

    Crytal, I created it in 300 dpi which is sufficient for printing. I printed it myself at home and it came out clear. šŸ™‚ Possibly an issue with your printer?

  12. I love this, but mine is coming out blurry too and I did exactly as you said. šŸ™ So bummed. I do this kind of stuff often too, so I know I’m doing it right. So bummed I cannot use it!

  13. P.S. I meant to add that it’s only saving at 63.7KB, which I think is too small for that big of a print.

  14. The Girl Creative says:

    Oh boo! Some people printed it and had success. Weird. Let me see what I can do. šŸ™‚

  15. Weird! I wonder if they all printed it the size of a full sheet? No worries, just wanted you to know what it did when I tried!

  16. The Girl Creative says:

    UPDATE: i just added new ways to download the file so please let me know if either of those ways work. Thanks!! šŸ™‚

  17. Just tried printing both. The PDF printed super clear! Yay! The JPG (now saving at 100KB) printed better, but still blurry.

    1. I cannot find the link for the JPEG? I only see the PDF under the image?

  18. I just did “fit to page” on my print menu, but that’s easy! Better too large than too small!

  19. Thanks for both links! I had trouble opening the PDF* and therefore could not print from that link but the JPEG printed beautifully crisp and cute without any need to re-size;)

  20. Thank you so much! I have a frame I found at a thrift store all painted white just waiting for this cute printable! It is so kind of you to share your talents!

  21. Beautiful Art! I downloaded the jpeg and had no trouble printing. thank you for sharing this!

  22. This is wonderful!! You did such a good job. Thank you!

  23. I LOVE this printable. Is it possible for me to buy a copy from you in a different color. I want to be able to leave it up year round, however, the red font does not go with any of the decor in my house. I would be willing to pay you for your services. Thanks.

  24. Jamie VanBeekum says:

    Thank you for this gorgeous piece of art. I know right where I’m going to put it. It is awesome!

  25. I love this so much!! Found it on pinterest but there was no original link, so I put a call out on facebook and one of my lovely friends lead me to your blog. So pleased I found it!!! Thanks so much for sharing x

  26. Wanted to thank you for a printable based on scripture. As you stated, something like this is ALWAYS appropriate. I clicked on quiet a few Valentine;s Day printable before I came to yours. So glad I waited on printing one because yours is great. Thanks SO much for sharing.

  27. YAY!!! Thanks for sharing! Just beautiful! XoXo *s

    Ps. I found this on pinterest <3

  28. famr_4evr says:

    Thank you for this! I love it. The best Valentine Subway art ever!!

  29. Adorable! Thanks for sharing šŸ™‚

  30. Great job on the subway art! Thanks for sharing!

  31. This is so lovely, thanks for sharing :O) Viv xx

  32. Love it – thank you for sharing!

  33. thank you for sharing this!

  34. I LOVE this, so perfect and eye catching, and such an important thing to keep on your mind daily….I would love to put this in my Master bedroom as a permanent decor item…is there any chance you’d be willing/able to change up the colors for me at all? Thanks for sharing this free, first time on your site and love it!

  35. I love the the big font in the first “LOVE”. What kind of font is it?

  36. I love the font the first “Love” is. What is the name of it?

  37. Thank you so much for this lovely printable! I printed out two copies and framed one, then decoupaged the second onto a vase. We’re using it as a “kindness” activity to help teach the kids how to be generous with each other. You can see it on my blog–

    It wouldn’t have been possible without your kindness in offering this printable. Thank you again!

    Cheryl Basile

  38. Liking your blog and than you so much for sharing these images. God bless you.

  39. Thank you for sharing this printable! I know it is the night of Valentines, however this is going in the room all year! Love it!
    New Follower!
    ~Jen @

  40. Thank you for sharing! I love that printable.

  41. Hi, Diana,
    I am linking to you in a round up I’m doing about great Valentine’s projects. I am linking to both this post and your site. If this is not acceptable, please just let me know. Love your project!
    Marty@Marty’s Musings

  42. I would love to have this in my new bathroom but wanted the red words to be in a a blue-green shade. Any idea how I could change it. I love the fonts you chose. So pretty

    1. You can’t change the colors but I can. šŸ™‚ I changed them for you. Can you send me an email so that I can email it to you? Thanks!

  43. I love the fonts you chose and would love this in my new bathroom – any idea how to change the red colors to a blue – green shade?

  44. LOVE this! Thanks! I used the pdf to print it out and it worked perfectly!

  45. I would love this in Spanish!! hint hint wink wink… šŸ˜€

  46. Very nice! Thanks so much šŸ™‚

  47. This is beautiful! I am a digital scrapbooker, and I LOVE the font that the word “LOVE” is written in. Would you mind telling me what font that is? I am definitely printing this out and displaying it in my home….all year round! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much! I believe the font is called Romantiques. šŸ™‚ A similar one is Cast Iron. XO

      1. Thank you so much! Beautiful!

  48. Absolutely love it!~ šŸ™‚

  49. Diana, Thanks so very much for the printable! I shared it on FB and just printed it out myself for my V-day mantle. The verse was the same one that the hubbs and I studied during premarital counseling, then our pastor gave a message based on it at our wedding so it’s always been our “wedding verse”. I was wondering if you would change the red to hot pink so I could hang it in our pink and black wedding-themed bedroom. I would be so very grateful. I’d even be willing to offer you a free spot in my sidebar for the month of February… let me know!

    1. Hey Heather! Unfortunately I can’t change the colors. My original design is on a thumb drive “somewhere” in my house and without it, I can’t change the colors. I apologize. šŸ™

  50. Lydia @ The Thrifty Frugal Mom says:

    Thanks for the free printable…it’s the perfect addition to the side table in our dining room!

  51. This is a beautiful printable; thank you so much!

  52. LOVE THIS!!! But how can I save this to print at a color printer? it doesn’t give me the option to save, just print??? Thank you šŸ™‚

    1. Once you click download, it will open up in a PDF reader (Adobe or Foxit – whatever one you have installed). From there you can click the download button which should allow you to save it. šŸ™‚

  53. I love your mantle shelf and especially the subway art! I love to display Scripture all over the house. Thanks so very much for sharing your work with others! You mentioned to someone else that you also have this in blue-green. Would you mind sharing that as well? I could use both the red and blue-green year round. Thanks again!!! Blessings!

    1. I don’t think I have that file anymore. šŸ™ If I come across it, I will let you know!

  54. I love it and thanks for sharing.

  55. Love Love this! Thank you!!!

  56. Thank you for sharing, I love this

  57. Carmelina Bridges says:

    Thank you this is beautiful! We had this read at our wedding, this will be perfect to put in our room šŸ™‚

  58. Thank you for sharing! You did a beautiful job and yes, God’s word is for every day!

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