I have come to the realization that I’m a total flake. I have gotten a little more scattered and “out there” over the years and the word “flake” seems to be coming to my mind lately. lol I’m cool with dat though! I had to give you that little tidbit before I got to the actual subject of this post!

The Girl Creative

So, you may have noticed a little something different on the old blog. After almost a year of being Project Inspire, I’ve decided to go back to The Girl Creative – thus the new header. There are a few things that brought about this change.

For one, I recently found out that if you change your URL it affects your page rank in a big way. Basically Google sees it as a new blog rather than an established one.  Right now my page rank is a 4 which is actually pretty good so changing it to Project Inspire wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

Next, after Googling the name Project Inspire I found it to be used by several different businesses, groups, etc whereas The Girl Creative is a name I came up with back in 2009 when I started blogging and I believe is solely used by me. That’s a good thing especially when I eventually get to registering it as a business since this blog does generate some income (as small as it may be!).

I still love the idea of Project Inspire so I’ve decided to officially name my Free Printable Friday

Project Inspire: Free Printables and Design Elements every Friday

My subway art, scrapbook elements, etc. have inspired people to create things so I find it to be super fitting.

One last thing I wanted to address is that last year when I changed my name to Project Inspire it was after a blogging break that I had taken. I felt like God was redirecting my life and my blog and it I felt that Project Inspire was fitting because I wanted to blog about anything that inspired me to write whether it be crafts, my relationship with God or my family. Trust me, I will still blog about those things when I feel like it but I have a little writing gig over at one of my closest friends blogs, The Heartland, where I will be sharing some more personal posts on a monthly basis. I hope you will follow me over there!

So, there you have it! I hope you will continue on this journey with me. I’ve enjoyed connecting with you over the last few years and wouldn’t want to lose that.

I have another fun announcement coming on Saturday, so keep your eyes opened for

The Winds of Change – Announcement #2 on Saturday!!

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  1. Love that! I love whatever direction you take šŸ˜‰

  2. I like you as the Girl Creative…maybe I am used to it! It is a unique name and stands out! Your blog looks AMAZING!

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