Looking for a last minute, super cute and budget friendly Valentine’s Day gift? I’ve got ya covered!! These adorable Hershey Kiss Valentine Jars are simple and quick to make and you will only need a few supplies.

Hershey Kiss Valentine Jars

I picked up a bag of Hershey Kisses last week and knew that I wanted to create some labels for them just like I did for this teacher appreciation gift. I lucked out by having a few 8 ounce mason jars on hand as well as some cute pink and white twine that I picked up at Target for a buck.

Hershey Kiss Valentines

I dug into my collection of PSA Essentials stamps  and stamped that little design onto scrapbook paper for the top. It perfect because this gift can be for anyone. There’s no “be mine” or “hugs and kisses” or anything like that on the jar or the labels so really you can give this gift to anyone.

Printable Hershey Kiss LabelsIf you’ve never used labels on Hershey Kisses before, here’s your supply list:

* 3/4 inch circle punch. This is the perfect size for these labels. They fit perfectly onto the bottom of the kisses.

*Full sheet labels. You can pick a package up in any office supply store.

NOTE: One full sheet of labels will give you just the right amount of kisses to fill a small 8 ounce mason jar. You could probably use one bag of kisses to make 2 jars. Keep that in mind when you are deciding on how many gift you’d like to give.


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  1. Alyssa ramsey says:

    How long ahead of time should these be made. I didn’t know it if effects the taste of the chocolate.

    1. Hey Alyssa! I would go by the expiration date on the Hershey Kisses. As long as they are good, you can make the jars as ahead of time as you need to. That’s my best guess! lol I never really thought about it before! šŸ™‚

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