Notice anything different around here? Yup, I went and changed the name of the blog. Don’t worry, the url will remain the same (at least for awhile) so you won’t be  missing out on anything. I thought Project: Inspired is a much more fitting name since I will be blogging about anything that inspires me whether it be my crafty adventures or my relationship with Jesus (and my family) or anything else I feel inspired to blog about. I hope you enjoy the new direction this blog is taking.

Okay, so I’m kinda infatuated with I was thrilled when it became available in the Android Market and it really has been a ton of fun. A techy girl at heart, I love playing around with anything phone or computer related. And I love social media and this is another great way for me to connect with my friends and my readers.

SO….while scrolling through today I saw a photo from Maggie (Gussy Sews) and it was just a snapshot of some notes she took in her devotional journal. I really liked what it said but it was the hashtag that she used under the photo that caught my eye: #shereadstruth. Being the nosy body that I am, I scrolled through the comments on her photo and saw that someone had asked what #shereadstruth was. Turns out it’s this uh-mazing website/community where women can join/link up and do a daily reading plan together. Being that I’m constantly struggling with making time for Jesus and just getting my priorities in order, I knew that I had to take a gander over to the She Reads Truth blog and find out more.

Dude, it’s cool. I mean, really cool. And seriously, just what I needed. The reading plan that is being worked on right now is called Living the Surrendered Life (found by using the Youversion app on your smart phone or by going to and doing it online). I  believe they are up to day 18 or so (there is only 21 days) but I’m excited to join (and I hope you do too!) and look forward to doing more reading plans together.

I really can’t do the site justice by explaining it all, so just head over there to find out the entire scoop!

She Reads Truth

Now, go!

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. That sounds awesome! I’m struggling in that area too!! Love the new blog direction 🙂

  2. I’ve realized the name I chose for my blog doesn’t really suit the direction I wish to move to either. Your change inspired me to make the move….:)

  3. my family says:

    im in. love the change:)

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