In the blog world, who doesn’t love comments, right? And what’s even more fun is when you get a response in an email form from one of your favorite bloggers. Ever wonder how they do that? I know for the longest time I had no idea how in the world all that worked. Well, somehow I found out (probably by reading a post similar to the one I’m writing) and now I want to share that information with you in just a few easy steps.

(These instructions are for the New Blogger Interface)
……Step One……
The first thing you want to do is to make sure that you have your email address linked to your blog profile. You can do this by editing your profile in Blogger. To do this you will click on your blog name in the top right hand corner of your Dashboard and click on “Blogger Profile”. Then you are going to click on the little orange button to the right that says “Edit Profile”. Make sure the little box next to “Show my email address” is checked off. Scroll down and click “Save Profile”. Now when someone receives your comment on their blog via email, your email address will show up and they will be able to respond to your comment. Before you did this, this is what they would see:
And that’s no good! And frustrating to the blogger who would like to respond to you.
With me so far? Okay, now if you would like to be able to respond to the comments on YOUR blog via email, you will need to follow Step Two.
……Step Two……
You will need to set up a little thing called “Comment Notification”. To do this you will login to your Blogger dashboard. Next to your blog name (towards the right of the screen) you will see a little grey box with a white arrow (triangle). Click on that and scroll down to “settings” and click on that. Over on the left you will see a column. Click on “Mobile and email”. In the “Comment Notification Email” box, type in whatever email address you would like to receive your comments at. Click “Save Settings” at the top right of your screen and you are done.
Now keep in mind, if your blog gets a lot of comments, your inbox is going to be flooded with emails for every comment someone makes to your blog. This can be very overwhelming and there is a good chance that important emails may get lost in your inbox. My recommendation is (and this is what I do) to set up an email address either via Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or any other free service that will be just for your comments.
I hope this post helped some of the newer bloggers who are still trying to figure everything out in this sometimes overwhelming, but oh so addicting, world of blogging. 😉
Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!XOXO

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  1. Great ideas! I love to respond to all comments left on my blog, but it gets frustrating when I can’t. It’s so easy to open an email account, so that no one is a noreply-comment blogger!

  2. Thank you so much! Very easy to understand and VERY helpful! I just followed your steps 🙂

  3. creativeDIYgal says:

    Thanks for the tips!!!! Very useful 🙂

  4. Thank you for your email! I think I followed the directions right and look forward to recieving emails notifying me of comments on my new blog! 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for this information! I’ve been trying to figure this out!!!

  6. Doh! Now why didn’t I think of just replying to my comment emails??? I too had wondered how others did this – I always thought it was a feature in Blogger’s comment template… now I just feel stoopid.

    Thank you so much!

  7. Thank you SO MUCH for this great post! I used my personal email account when I set up my blogger profile and have been overwhelmed with emails…you cannot change the email that blogger is associated with, but thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me know that I could at least change the email where the comments go!! Never even thought to check that!! You have just made my day!! 🙂

  8. This was so helpful! Thank you so much!


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