Hi everyone- first off, I want to tell you how excited I am to be here! I’m Madeline, half of the blogging duo on Create Bake Celebrate where we talk home, fashion, & food. My sister, Holly, will be helping me contribute here as well, & we can’t wait to get to know you all! Please feel free to join us over at CBC as well!

Now, onto the main event! My husband and I have been turning our office closet into a closet desk! We installed shelving, a desktop, painted cork boards, & added other storage, but I still wanted an easy way to display pictures & personalize the desk. While we were at Ikea before Christmas I picked up one of these curtain hangers (This is not the exact one I found- mine was $6 because it came with less wire, but hunt around the curtain area and you should find one!). I then had pictures printed from Printsgram & gifted the whole thing to my husband. He was so confused! But last weekend, we got around to hanging it up!


A few tips for installation- make sure that you have pliers- that wire is thick! The little Ikea man on the directions tells you this- but I ignored him at first. Whoops. We decided to use anchors to install ours, in case it got pulled on, so that is probably a good idea as well. We also tried to hide the end a bit since it isn’t the prettiest thing in the world.


This picture display is also great because we don’t have to put holes in the pictures & can change them out whenever. When Christmas rolls back around, I am thinking of hanging our Christmas cards from it! And it would work great for all of the invitations & announcements we all receive and don’t want to throw away just yet : )


Our pictures are, of course, mainly of our dog, Bentley, but we also have a few of the two of us & our travels as well. It makes the desk so much happier and doesn’t take up the space on the cork board! Any other fun uses you can see for this curtain hanger?

We would love to see you over at CBC! Feel free to follow along using the links below! (And were on Facebook!) See you next month : )

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