Hello this is Susan from Oh My! Creative. I think we are all a little tired of winter by now and are ready to welcome Spring! So, I thought we all could use a little garden inspiration to get us through these last days of winter. At some point, the polar vortex has to go away…right?

One of my favorite parts of summer is working in my yard. A few years ago I decided to give gardening a try. To me, it was totally experimental, and it continues to be every year. Some vegetables grow and flourish and some not so much. The problem I have and many people do is how to have a garden in a small space. Here are 10 Small Space Garden Ideas and Inspiration on how to create a Small Space Garden. It’s very rewarding to eat what you grow, and the vegetables taste better than anything you will buy at the grocery store! Give it a try – start small!

Small space gardening


Free Standing Pallet Herb Garden  |  DIY Showoff

Hanging Basket Garden

Hanging Basket Garden  |  A beautiful Mess

Tiered Kitchen Herb Garden

 Kitchen Herb Garden  |  Finding Home

Vertical Vegetable Garden

Vertical Vegetable Garden   |  Anne Phillips seen at Apartment Therapy

Repurposed Gutter Garden

Gutter Garden  |  Corner Blog

Container Vegetable Garden

Container Garden  |  Better Homes and Garden

How to create a small vegetable garden with a garden spiral  |  OhMy-Creative.com

Vegetable Garden Spiral  |  Oh My! Creative

Vertical Cucumber Trellis

Vining Cucumber Trellis  |  Oh My! Creative

Garden Planter Made From Drawers

Repurposed Dresser Drawer Garden  |  Home Jelly

Small Space Salad Box

Small Space Salad Box  |  Sunset

I love the beauty in each of these gardens…each one is so very different! I hope you are inspired to take the gardening plunge no matter what the size of your gardening space! One of my favorite outdoor project in recent years is this Backyard Pond Water Feature that I built. I love the pond and created it for a fraction of the cost of a landscaper – more rewarding too! Stop over and say hello at Oh My! Creative.

You can also see what I am creating and sharing on Pinterest, Google+,  Facebook,   Twitter,  and  Instagram!

Hope your day is Creative!


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  1. Great ideas – love the idea of growing on walls! We have a tiny garden, so might try some of these this year.

  2. I love this post! I was thinking of doing a similar roundup and now I don’t have to! šŸ™‚ I think I want to try a garden this year. Thanks for the inspiration. XO

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