Right now my girls share a room and it’s not for the lack of bedrooms. We live in a cape and we spend all of our time on the main floor and there are 2 bedrooms down there. We also have 2 bedrooms upstairs but since Grace still comes into my room and visits me every night interrupts my sleep and causes me grief I worry about her on the steps so for now Em and “G” are sharing a room.

Let me just tell you, this room has been through a lot in the last 6 and a half years. It looked so cute when Em was a baby……….until she got old enough and decided she’d scribble on the walls with crayon. Then along comes Gracie and we repainted and it looked decent. Until………Gracie got a bit bigger and decided it was her own personal trashing grounds. Gone were the custom curtains my mom had made. Gone were the shades. Gone was any kind of order. Knowing that this room needs a major overhall, I had been putting off doing anything to it. But……..my frustration with the white trashness of it all, got the better of me and I decided to spruce it up this past weekend. And much to my surprise, it did not cost me much and it came out sooooo cute. It still needs a new paint job and Grace still needs a big girl bed but for now, I can walk into it, smile and admire.

Here are some before pictures:

Ahh yes. Here we have no curtains, only one shade and a horrid beach towel hanging in the window. Lovely!
This is what the closet door looked like after I removed the stickers and pictures my daughter had put up for decoration.

And this is the bare walls that needed some life. What’s not in this picture is the tons of tiny little stickers that Emilee had stuck to her headboard and the nail polish she had smeared on it. Got that off and it made a huge difference.

Pretty nasty huh? Don’t judge me! I’m not always white trash! lol

Here’s the after…….with a breakdown of how much I spent:

Here are new shades (yay – we have 2 now!) and new curtains. Let me just tell you, I had no idea how hard it would be to just find valance curtains for this room. I kind of went all over and finally settled on a set of pillow cases that I just modified and they came out great. All I did was rip the seam long ways, cut the top part long ways and opened it up. I then hemmed the bottom and sewed a section up to to put the curtain rod though. So easy. 🙂 The shades and curtain rods were cheap, a few dollars each and the pillow cases (curtains) were $15 at Target.

At first I just picked up those pink flowers you see at Hobby Lobby on clearance for $3.40 and hung them up on the wall. Then I remembered this decal set I saw at Target for $14.99 and went back and picked that up. It totally livened up the whole room and both of my girls had fun helping me put them up (as much as I would let them……..I’m a control freak!).

Here’s the other wall with the decals on it. Love how it came out!

I picked up this little “Princess” hook/rack at Hobby Lobby for $5 and it fit perfect on the closet door. Now they have a place to hang up their dress up clothes and their back packs when school starts back up.

I didn’t get a before picture of this dresser but imagine it with stickers all over the mirror. Oh yes, Emilee was at it again with the stickers! Behind the tissue paper flowers that I made (soooo easy to do. I’ve seen people refer to them as Martha Stewart flowers but I remember making small versions of these as a kid using regular tissues so………I’ll leave it at that!) is a big patch of spackle that needs to be painted. When we had our bathroom renovated last year the contractor broke through the wall into our girls room while doing the demolition and although it’s been patched up, we’ve yet to paint it. Luckily, these flowers do a great job of covering it up until we give the room another major overhaul. The little polka dot buckets were $1.49 each at Hobby Lobby.

So overall, I think this little project ran me a total of about $60-$70 and I couldn’t be happier. I will be linking up to my favorite linky parties this week. 🙂

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  1. Turned out great…and it always feels so good to get a project finished. Great job.

  2. such a cute makeover-very girly!!! I love the hotpink polka dot buckets they add a splash of fun!! Good job! (I to have a Grace that still comes in and snuggles with us – ahh! This to will pass and I know I will miss it!) Enjoy!

  3. Wow!! You did a marvelous job. I love frugal makeover like this…b/c not everyone can afford to go out and splurge these days. LOVE the wall decals.

  4. I just posted not too long ago about redoing my daughters room – & guess what?!?! We have the ENTIRE Target owl set going on HAHA! =)

    The room looks great!

  5. cute! I just redid my daughter’s room too for about $20 – nothing like having a room turn out like you imagine it to without breaking the bank, isn’t it??

  6. Thanks for the comment on my blog Danelle.

    That is a sweet makeover, you did a great job. I would like to fix up my girls’ room, but first I have to evict my 11 year old from my bedroom.

  7. I found you from your comment on my blog. This post is too funny!! I bought those same pink flowers from Hobby Lobby on clearance and put them on Maddy’s walls. Girl, you better know that I’m going to Target tomorrow to copy your look!! Love!!! I will have to send you pics.

  8. Their room turned out great. I love the owl decals…too cute!

  9. The room looks fantastic! I know your pain about the stickers. I feel like I’m always removing stickers from doors, windows, floors, walls, the dogs….

  10. Wow, what a great job you did! It really looks so nice now and I’m sure your girls really love it.


  11. Oh my gosh…I love that soooo much!! Those little stickers are amazing…I’m going to have to search for some for CLara’s room!!

  12. Diana, you did such a good job. (I still want your old green shower curtain) The room looks wonderful. I love the simplicity of it. Really shows off the decals and the pretty pink curtains. I love the gowns on the closet too. Good job. Seriously.

  13. Diana, the room turned out so awesome! I bet the girls love it! My older two share a room, also, and my “Grace” doesn’t have a big girl bed, either. Olivia has a bed very similar to yours, but poor little Gracie is still sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I really need to get to the decorating in there!! Valances from pillows, huh? You’re very resourceful!

  14. I love looking at cute girly stuff, since I only have boys. I LOVE the owl decals, and that pillowcase idea is just genius!

  15. Hi Diana, it looks so much fresher (isn’t it amazing what kids can do to things?). I’d love if you link your post up with Fabric Fun Thursday with those cute pillowcase window treatments. 🙂

  16. Love love it!! So cute and I’m sure the girls love it! You did an awesome job at it 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  17. Great Diana! You are so Martha Stewart! I died when I saw the beach towel over the AC unit! lol…Remember the pillow case curtain for years in our bathroom? W/ the plastic cover and duct tape holding it up?? How weren’t we more embarrassed growing up??? lol…We’ve come a long way! xoxo

  18. Way too fun. Your talents are amazing. Thanks for the party too. Soooo much fun stuff to learn. I could spend way too long looking at beautiful and delicious posts.

  19. Definitely “Through the Trees” is my favorite! It works perfectly with the color scheme I’ve just picked out for our new nursery!kids wall decals

  20. Anonymous says:

    Nice job 🙂

  21. Definitely, the room did improve with your own touch. These steps you did are just amazing and really cheap. Thank you for this post. I am pretty sure that several mothers will be inspired by this and start redecorating the rooms of their daughters or sons. Keep posting!

  22. Your kids will love their room, unquestionably. Almost everyone loves pink. You did a worthy job using that color as a motif for your kid’s bedroom. That lamp and set of curtains are pretty and cute, too. You may want to add more girly pillows; they will surely like those.

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