We’ve had more snow that we know what to do with. And with that comes snow days which means the kids are home from school. While I’m fine with them hanging around doing what they want, the Mister always likes to put them to work. And really, they love it. They love housework. They love doing the dishes and they love cleaning the windows and dusting. I know, I hope they never catch on. lol Anyhow, thinking of a way for them to help without making me crazy (I know you know what I’m talking about), I figured they can both have a little Swiffer duster thing-y and dust. Not wanting them to waste the fluffy refills (those suckers are expensive!), I came up with an idea for making reusable ones. All you need are some old dish towels or t-shirts or flannel, whatever, scissors and a sewing machine and you’re good to go.

Here are the supplies in all their glory.

I took my dish towel, folded it in half and cut. Then I folded my halves in half and cut, giving me 4 equal parts.

Next I cut those in fours and giving me a total of 16 pieces. I then took each piece, and cut about an inch off the top (they were a bit too long).

After trimming my piece, I folded them in half and snipped about 3/4 of the way making my fringes.

I then layered 2 pieces together and sewed a straight line down each side, close to the fringes.

I added a 3rd piece on top, pinned in place and sewed through all 3 pieces right down the middle. {I forgot to take a picture of this. šŸ™ }

I popped my duster onto my Swiffer dusting pole and voila!

And for all you designer moms out there, here’s a fancy little one for you!

Note: I used dish towels for mine and found out pretty quickly that they shed and frey. I used pinking sheers on the edge of my fringes and that seemed to have helped. I’m guessing that using an old t-shirt or maybe flannel would be better. If anyone has a trick to help with freying, I’d love to hear it. šŸ™‚

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  1. thats great! if only i would actually clean my house.

  2. Have you tried using a microfiber towel? They don’t fray like cotton, and work great for holding in the stuff they pick up. You can buy whole bunch at costco for not too much.

  3. WOW, wonderful idea. I really really need to make some of these. Get my boys to do some work around here.

  4. Love your idea and the microfiber would probably do the trick. I imagine washing the towels would cause some more fraying too. But the idea is great!
    I am following your blog and invite you to do the same!

  5. Great idea…I despise buying the disposable ones. Hubby has tons of old T shirts..I’ll try those.

  6. Emily {Frilly Details} says:

    What a great idea!!!

  7. That’s sweet! Love the designer one and that it can fit on your Swiffer duster.

    I have an award for you on my site – it will be posted at midnight!

  8. that is a great idea thank you for posting it
    new follower from friday follows over at trendy treehouse. have a great weekend.

  9. What a celver idea….

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. Please join me again next week for another great party.

  10. thanks for this post!! i recently bought a microfiber duster, but i just have the one duster sleeve it came with and i can only do so much dusting before i have to wash it (which HAS created a convenient excuse… dust two rooms and… opps! all done, i have to wash the sleeve!) ;O) i also have the swiffer, but i feel so bad creating more waste. this is a PERFECT eco-friendly option!

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