This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Brita, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BritaOnTheGo

Just a few more soccer games and we will be done with the spring season for both of my girls. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the end of the school year and the end of soccer season. Mr. GC is coaching my 8 year old’s team and my 11 year old is playing inter-town this year so we have been doing a ton of running around. And with all the running around comes the game prep: washing uniforms; locating and tracking down shin guards, soccer socks and cleats (not as easy as you might think); and making sure we pack enough water bottles to keep my girls hydrated while they are playing. We keep a filtered water dispenser in our fridge but the constant complaint is that no one refills the water so on days where we are running late and don’t have time to wait while the dispenser fills up, we are reduced to using tap water. Now, I don’t mind it so much as long as I have ice for my water but when it comes to my kids I want them to have the best.

#BritaOnTheGo #PMedia #ad

Thanks to Brita and the Brita Sport Water Bottles my kids can have clean filtered water at their fingertips! I picked up a 2 pack in the hardware section at Walmart and my girls have been drinking filtered water ever since. They’ve been taking them to school (yes, we are STILL in school!) which I really love. In the past they might drink from the water fountain or dare I say it, sink, and admittedly that’s not the best option for them. With Brita Water Bottles, they can turn tap water into filtered water wherever they go. I think it’s such a smart idea! The bottles are BPA free and the ones we picked up are 20 oz. If they drink 2 of these a day then they will be getting their daily water requirement in. Not only will we NOT run out of filtered water from the fridge but we’ll be saving on bottled water purchases that we’ve been known to make during our busy seasons.






Lately we’ve been trying to really encourage our kids to drink more water. Especially now that summer is only a week away and the weather is getting warmer, it’s super important to keep hydrated.  And I get that it can get kind of boring drinking water all the time.  Sometimes you just want to mix it up a little. I know we do. Homemade fruit infused water is becoming very popular and with the Brita Water Bottle you can just pour that yummy fruit water right into the bottle and now you have filtered fruit infused water. Or better yet, make single serve fruit infused water right in your bottle! There are so many recipes out there to try. I collected a few that I thought looked really delicious that I can’t wait to try.

Fruit Infused Water
1. Watermelon Coconut Agua Fresca
2. Honeydew Raspberry Infused Water
3. Cucumber Strawberry and Grapefruit Infused Water 
4. Apple Infused Detox Water
5. Blueberry Orange Infused Water
6. Pineapple Infused Coconut Water

Brita has many options for filtered water bottles and you can find them in the HARDWARE section of your local Walmart. I only picked up one 2-pack but when I showed Mr. GC the bottles and explained the concept I can tell he was jealous that I didn’t get him one. Ha! He’s the king of drinking water so I think another trip to Walmart is in my future!

How do you get your daily water requirement in each day?

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