As you may already know I’m a stay-at-home mom. I consider it a privilege to be able to stay home with my kids and to not have to send them to daycare.  Now please, before I get any hate mail, know that I’m not knocking day care or moms who all! I used to be one of them and KNOW how hard that is. While I consider it a blessing to be home with my kids, they sometime wish I worked because that would mean summer camp all summer, and before and after school care with some of their friends, etc.  Well, that’s not happening and boy oh boy I can hear it already…. “I’m bored!” “There’s no one to play with.” Well, I am not looking forward to those complaints so I decided to find some fun stuff for us to do this summer and to make some memories along the way.


Creat Memories with Kids

I’m soliciting inspiration from some amazing bloggers to help me put on this Create Memories with Kids Summer Series. It will consist of tons of activity and craft ideas to do with your kids this summer all the while making fun memories together!

If you would like to be a part of this fun event, send me a link to your BEST work! I have a few spots opened that I need to fill so I’d love to include some of my favorite readers. šŸ™‚

Send emails to diana{at}thegirlcreative{dot}com with CMK Submission in the subject.

If you would like to help promote this event, please feel free to grab a button below.

The Girl Creative
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