DIY Notepads


School is out {finally!} so there is a small chance that your kids came home with some unused school supplies. You can of course stash them away for next year or you can turn them into a little project. I decided to turn some unused blank index cards into cute summer DIY notepads. I had seen this idea years back when I first started blogging and always wanted to make them but never got around to it. I broke out my supplies and managed to pull this project off rather quickly………even though I had this guy running around getting into my stuff and trashing my house in the process.

DIY Notepads Kole

The Supplies

Blank Index Cards

Mod Podge

Binder Clips

Washi Tape

PSA Essentials Stamps

DIY Notepads - supplies


How you want your notepads to looks is entirely up to you. I wanted to make some cute summer pads for my girls so I went with a sunglasses stamp from PSA Essentials. PSA has a HUGE line of stamps to choose from so this project comes in handy for so many occasions. Couldn’t you just see them as adorable little party favors? Before I got to stamping I broke out my washi tape stash and added a few fun strips to what would be the cover of the notepad.

DIY Notepads - covers

Then I stamped my covers and stamped the corners of my pages just for fun.

DIY Notepads -stamped pages


Once you have your cover and pages all ready you are going to take 2 binder clips and fasten them to either side of the pad. I went pretty close to the edge of the sides of the notepad as you can see because I really wanted to make sure it was even as I could make it.

DIY Notepads - binder clips

To bind the pages together I used Mod Podge and put a nice thick layer over the top of the pages. Not too thick where it was dripping all over but a good amount.

DIY Notepads - modpodge


I let the notepads dry for a few minutes and then I did another coat just to be sure the pages stayed together. And since everything looks better with glitter, I dipped the top of the notepad in glitter while the second coat was still wet.

DIY Notepads stacked

I did put an additional layer of Mod Podge over the the glitter just to seal it on there and to keep the glitter from getting all over the place.

Such a fun and simple project. I did this while my girls were at school but wouldn’t this be such a fun project to do with the kids?




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One Comment

  1. Love those stamps! This is such a fun idea. Thanks for linking up to The Creative Exchange Linky Party!

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