You seriously would not believe what went on in my house this weekend with my “adventurous” daughters. I mean seriously. They out-did themselves. Let’s just put it this way: they are lucky they are alive and I don’t mean from the severe punishment that they received for their dangerous antics! They are only 6 and 3 but it was bad. They were sentenced to their room last night (only allowed out for dinner) and had the tv taken away from them last night and today. So, what’s a mom to do with 2 crazies on a weekend with no place to go and no TV to watch? Craft!

When me and the Mr. got married we moved over 2 hours away from my family and over 3 hours away from his. While we love living where we are it does kind of stink being away from family during the holidays especially now that we have kids. Today I decided that we needed to make Grandpa (my father-in-law) a little gift to send to him for Valentine’s Day. He lost my mother-in-law almost 4 years ago (the day after V-day actually) so I like to send a little something to hopefully brighten his day, even for a few seconds.

Emilee had gotten a scrapbook kit for Christmas (or as she kept calling it, her first aid kit) and had been begging me to take it out. I thought today was a good time for it. So, with her kit, some chipboard books that I had on hand (originally purchased at Michael’s for a buck I think?), some Mod Podge, my Cricut and some photos printed out, we managed to come up with this:

I didn’t take pictures of the progress but it was pretty simple:

  1. I let the girls pick out 2 different patterns of paper and then glue them each to a chipboard page.
  2. I used an exacto knife and cut the excess paper off.
  3. I then picked out coordinating paper and attached it to the other side of their pages.
  4. I printed out 4 pictures from the computer, cut them down to size and gave each of them 2.
  5. Using a glue stick, they glued their pictures to their pages and decorated with stickers.
  6. On the pages that did not have pictures I cut out some phrases and sayings using my Cricut and decorated those.
  7. Once we were done, I took my distress ink and distressed all the pages.

That was it. The cover of the book reads (as you can see) Just Because We Love You and the last page of the book says Love, Emilee and Grace. It kept both girls very busy and they were very excited to be making a little Valentine’s gift for Grandpa.

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  1. So sweet and I am sure it will make his day! They did a great job!

  2. Very cool craft. I might have to make this for someone for Valentines day.

  3. I have a few of those chipboard books that I’ve been wondering how to use them! Great idea!

    Andrea @

  4. GREAT craft idea! My little one is only 2, so he will need a lot of help with this one, but I know he will have a blast putting stickers on and decorating with markers. Going to get the chipboard books tomorrow … have everything else already!

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