I think we can all use a little more positivity in our lives and this quote from The Help is one of my favorites.

The Help Print-Hero

So, I’ve been home from the SNAP conference for about 2 weeks now and although I have yet to go through all of my notes I remember something that stuck with me. A few of the speakers at SNAP made mention of the fact that they just don’t allow negativity in their lives. And while this seems sort of like a no brainer, how many of us actually feel like we just won’t allow negativity in our lives?  What this translates to for me is being careful of the words we hear and the words we say. There are so many things in this world that are working against us, working against our kids, that if we just decided that we refuse to allow negativity in our lives, I believe we’d be much happier people; happier with ourselves, happier in our lives. If we just started to shut people down who are not building us up and started speaking words of life and encouragement to all the people we are surrounded by, can you imagine that impact it would have?

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I remember when the movie The Help came out it was all anyone could talk about. It took me awhile to finally watch it (no other reason then the fact that I needed to be in the mood to watch a serious movie vs. the nonsense I usually watch) but when I did, the one thing that stuck out to me was the scene where the maid was telling the little girl “You is kind, you is smart, you is important”. I loved it that she said those things because lets face it, children need to hear that! People need to hear that! I’m guilty of not speaking enough positivity into the hearts and minds of my kids. That’s something I’m working on though and with God’s help (and His limitless grace and mercy and patience!) I’ll get there.

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I created this free printable quote from The Help because having it nearby and out in plain sight will remind me that these are some words that I want to start speaking to my kids. Also, even if my kids happen to pass by it it will remind them of all the wonderful things they ARE. Proverbs 23:7 “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”


Free for Personal Use Only – Do not copy, redistribute or sell.

Will fit into an 8×10 frame

©The Girl Creative 2015

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