
Hi I’m Joanna from Lazy Mom’s ( ) and I’m all about easy and healthy recipes, not to complicated DIY and toddler crafts. Today I’ll share with you one of my favourite sides, an all green crunchy and creamy summer salad !

If you are anything like me , then you don’t really feel like cooking when the weather is hot and sunny. Recently I’m all like : honey let’s grill something 🙂 ! Which basically means that my hubby takes care of the grill and I’m taking care of the sides. Preparing this delicious crunchy yet creamy salad takes not more than couple of minutes. It’s all green , super healthy and really really good! You have the crunch from almonds and cucumbers, the kick from rucola salad and the green olives, and the creamy taste of ripe avocado. It’s perfect :). And served with the slightly sweet maple sirup dressing it made my toddler surprisingly enthusiastic :).


Medium cucumber
1 ripe avocado
1/4 cup green olives
1/4 cup sliced almonds
2 cups rucola
Avocado oil ( or olive oil)
1/2 tablespoon maple sirup
Juice from half a lime

Cut cucumber and avocado in to cubes. Cut olives in to slices. Place veggies and olives on arugula, sprinkle with almonds and add the dressing. If you don’t use avocado oil you may add a bit more of maple sirup.


Enjoy this delicious salad alone with bread or as a great side dish :).

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