Hi, I’m Becca from Crumbs and Chaos, a blog I write with my 3 sisters. We have 12 children between us (with one more on the way!), hence the name Crumbs and Chaos…we deal with our fair share on a daily basis. We love sharing our favorite recipes and occasional tips on controlling the chaos I am thrilled to be here today at The Girl Creative’s Creating Memories with Kids Summer Series sharing this easy activity with you.


Of the 12 kids mentioned above, 4 of them are mine – 3 girls and 1 boy. Play doh is well loved at our house and today I’m going to share an easy homemade version that you may already have all of the stuff on hand to make. This is a fabulous anytime activity, but it’s especially perfect for those rainy days. My kids love using Play Doh with other little toys and they love to ‘make’ food for me to ‘pretend’ eating.

My kids are always so excited to see a fresh new ball of Play Doh to smash and mush, roll and squeeze. We’ve made a different version at home in the past, but the thrill of this recipe was all about the scent. Your Play Doh will smell like whatever flavor of Kool-Aid drink mix that you use. We made Mixed Berry, Watermelon and Lemon Lime. The kids couldn’t stop raving about how good it smelled. So next time you hear ‘I’m bored’, head to the kitchen to make this easy 5 ingredient homemade Play Doh.


1 cup FLOUR
1/4 cup SALT
1 packet KOOL-AID
1 Tablespoon OIL
In a medium sized bowl, stir together flour, salt and Kool-Aid powder.
In a measuring cup, measure 2/3 cup of water and oil.
Pour about 1/2 cup of the water/oil mixture into the flour mixture. Stir together with a spoon or rubber spatula. Add more water if needed until it is the consistency of Play Doh.
After letting it cool a bit, knead together a few times. When it’s completely cool, store in an air tight container or zip lock baggie.

Recipe Source: The 36th Avenue

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  1. This is a must do on my list! My son loves playdoh! I have not seen the Koolaid version before, but I have seen the “galaxy” playdoh recipe. pretty cool! I can’t wait to give the koolaid recipe a try. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. I just made this and it is absurdly sticky. i cant even get it off my fingers without washing it off. Any tips to make it less sticky?

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