how to make money blogging

As a blogger there are a number of ways you can make money blogging. I want to share with you one of those ways. I teamed up with a company, Progrids, who provide those neat little ads at the bottom of my posts.


(hint: they are at the bottom of this post)

The way it works is ProGrids indexes your site’s content, determines which of your related articles are most likely to be of interest to your visitors and then provides links to product that your readers might be interested in purchasing. You get paid on a CPC (cost per click) basis so if your readers click on any of the ads, then you get a paid for that click.  You can expect to see product from sites like Express, Urban Outfitters,Nordstrom and more. The set up is super easy and their support team for their publishers is great. If you are looking for a little extra income and don’t want to go the traditional route of sidebar ads, check out Progrids. 

This is a sponsored post but out of all the similar ads I’ve tried out, I really do like this one the best. All opinions are my own.

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  1. Very cool, I’ll have to check them out! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi, Diana, nice post, I also introduced ProGrids to my blog but, but I wonder if you could help me out, I have registered with ProGrids, and applied on my blog as advised by the team but the ads just don’t show, do you have any idea why is that? Your help will be much appreciated sweetie!
    Have a nice weekend! <3

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