One thing you’ve probably noticed about me is that I love simple projects. I like to be able to bang out a project in a short period of time so this Tulle & Chiffon Flower project was perfect for me to work on in the time I had between fooling around online and going to pick my girls up for school. I was inspired by a project that I found on Pinterest a few weeks ago but tweaked it to make it a bit easier for me to pull off. So real quick I’m going to show you how to make chiffon and tulle flowers.

DIY Flower Clip

I started with chiffon in pink and white and then pink tulle. I cut out 5 circles from the tulle and then 4 from each chiffon fabric giving me a total of 13. I just freehanded the circles and didn’t make them perfect at all. I wanted them to be a bit irregular and to vary a bit in size.
I layered the fabrics starting with tulle first, white chiffon, pink chiffon, tulle, etc. I also ended with tulle. So, tulle for both the first and last layers. I took a needle and thread and sewed through the center of the fabrics a few times to keep them from slipping.
I folded my layers of fabric in half and sewed just a basic loop stitch (is that even the right word?) about a 1/4 inch from the fold. After a few stitches, I took the fabric and folded it in half the other way an did the same thing. I did this a few times, each time making the stitch a bit higher from the fold.
Now that the sewing is done and your flower has a bit of dimension, I recommend using some fabric stiffener because the chiffon is so flimsy and the top layer may fold down a bit (I learned that when I did this project the first time). Next you will want to add a pretty embellishment to the center. You can use anything you want. For this project I used a cute white flower cabachon and hot glued it to the center.
On the back you can add a pin, or a bobby pin or an alligator clip. Anything you want. I used a bobby pin because I wanted to be able to add it to the tote bag in this project as well as using it as a cute hair clip. Hot glue did the trick for this part as well.
Now you can use it however you want whether it’s a hair clip or a cut accessory to add to a purse, a shirt, a bag.

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