Finally, a project to share! I’m a Jesus lovin’ girl, you all know that (at least I hope you do) so I decided to create the name of Jesus using picture frames, jute and my Cricut to put up on my shelf in my living room. This shelf has sort of been the holiday shelf only I’m really, really bad at keeping up with it. Since Easter is around the corner I decided I wanted a little reminder about what the holiday really is about. While I made one using the name of Jesus, you can really use this project to spell out anything you’d like. My shelf is not super big and this was just the perfect thing for me.

I picked up 5 clear plastic frames at the Christmas Tree Shop in various sizes. I took my hot glue gun, secured the end of the jute to the back of the frame on the bottom and just kept wrapping it around until I got about 3 rows from the top and started securing each end with hot glue. I did that to all 3 frames and positioned them the way I wanted them on my shelf.

Then using my Cricut (Don Juan cartridge) I cut out the letters to spell out Jesus. I used the shadow feature with white cardstock paper and the regular feature with my scrapbook paper. I layered my letters with double sided tape and then hot glued each letter to the frames. Here is the end result.
I will be linking to all of my favorite linky parties listed in my sidebar. šŸ™‚

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  1. I too am a Jesus lovin’ girl and I think this is awesome. Great job!

  2. I was just thinking about buy those frames for my business. I may have to buy extra and get a hold of my friends Cricut to great this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. great use of those plexi frames…have several as i used them for craft shows long ago. Now i can update them for a new purpose! thanks for the great idea.
    ~judi šŸ˜‰

  4. I really enjoy this project! What a great use of materials and a great way to spread His name:) Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Freely Living Life says:

    Hi there!

    I found you through “Friday Follow” and am now following your blog through Google Friend Connect! šŸ™‚

    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts. Come on over and visit us when you get a free moment. <3

  6. Thank you for linking this up to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts!

  7. This is gorgeous!!! I am really into jute right now. Great idea!

  8. Very pretty. You did a great job…

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. Please join me next week for another great party.


  9. These turned out SO cute. I love how simple they are but yet give such a fun look to decor.

    Thanks for linking this up to the Spring has Sprung Party at Fun to Craft!

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