So, still no baby yet. Anyone tired of hearing me complain? lol With Easter tomorrow I realized that I did not have much time to get a basket together for my girls. Normally I do one for each of them but you should have seen me at CVS yesterday. lol I was pushing a disabled shopping cart (why do I always get the one with the bum wheel that has a mind of it’s own?) and was all hunched over b/c my back was hurting and I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could so I decided to do just one big one for the 2 of them to share. Of course, having 2 very competitive little girls, I just bought double of everything.

I made it out of CVS pretty quickly but needed to stop at Office Depot to pick up a new wireless adapter and came across these cutie little clipboards for cheap. So I grabbed those and 2 little pens with poofy stuff on top to add to the basket because my girls love to color and draw pictures.
Anyhow, feeling like I wanted to do a little something extra for them since it’s been really hard on them the past few weeks with me not being able to do much of anything, I thought about making them custom notepads. I saw this tutorial over at Infarrantly Creative and decided that it looked easy enough. Now, I made personalized pads for my girls but came up with this one to share. So, for any other last minute mommies out there, feel free to download and create. You can print them out on a regular piece of copy paper and just cut down the middle. I did not put a cover or back on them because they are going right onto the clipboards that I picked up but you can do what works best for you. šŸ™‚


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  1. This is wonderful. It will help me complete our Easter baskets. Thank you!

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