Hello friends! This week’s New Friend Friday is being sponsored by

Bonnie from House of Grace.

Not only does she have a rockin blog where she posts about organization, recipes, garage sale-ing and more but she also posts about her business venture with Shaklee.

I remember years ago when I was kid I knew that name very well. My mom used to buy Shaklee vitamins and I remember they smelled BAD! lol But, Shaklee has definitely come a long way and they have this amazing line of natural cleaning products called “Get Clean“.

In all honesty, I’m not the most “green” person you’ll ever meet. I don’t recycle (don’t stone me or send me hate mail please!) and I have all of your basic cleaning supplies under the sinks in my kitchen and bathroom. But, always looking to try something new I agreed on the spot to receive some cleaning products from Bonnie to try out. I mean, any excuse to get my butt in gear and my house cleaned, right?

Well…………I really had a great experience with all the products Bonnie sent me like the Basic H2, Dish Wash Concentrate (smells soooo nice), Dish Wash Automatic Concentrate – for the dish washer (a tiny little bit goes a really long way) and my all time F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E. Scour Off Heavy Duty Paste. Seriously…….the BEST thing ever! Cleaning my bath tub is a piece of cake with this stuff. I mean it! I love the Mr. Clean Magic Sponge but this one really blows that out of the water for me when it comes to cleaning my tub.

I did manage to take some pictures of my cleaning spree and you can see for yourself how great this stuff works. (Disclaimer: My camera is not great so the pics are not great. But please trust me, there was a big difference.)

First thing I tackled with the kitchen. Cleaned the stovetop and faucet with Basic H Degreaser and I was really happy with the results:


Note: I didn’t clean the metal burner plates, just the stove top.

This faucet is old and leaky but I’m really loving how clean and shiny it came out:



Next I hit the bathtub in our main bathroom. I’ve learned that soap scum is hard to clean. For years we had an old yucky bathroom that no matter how much I cleaned the but, it still looked awful. Then last year we re-did out bathroom and which has a bright white tub (as opposed to the spectacular pink thing we used to have!) so the dirt and “yuck” is much more noticeable. The only thing that came close to getting it clean was the Magic Sponge but after awhile that was not even doing the trick. The Scour Off did an amazing job on my tub. Again, not great pics but I was really amazed at how good the but came out.



I’m happy to announce that 10 yes 10 lucky winners are going to receive a sample of Basic H2 which is enough to make (2) 16 ounce bottles of cleaner.


  • Visit Bonnie’s Shaklee site and take a look around and then come back to this post and leave a comment telling me which product you could use the most in your house.
  • For EXTRA entries: Follow Bonnie’s Blog “House of Grace” blog (or tell me you already do), tweet or Facebook about this giveaway. Please leave a SEPARATE comment for each thing that you do.
  • US Residents Only Please
  • Giveaway ends on Thursday, September 2.

    The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse have officially teamed up to co-host New Friend Fridays! Each week you will have the chance to add a link to your main blog to the ever growing list below. New Friend Fridays is a fun blog hop where it’s all about making new bloggy friends and offering meaningful comment support to other bloggers. Whether you add your link to the list at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse it’s all just one great big list.

    The Rules are Simple:
    • Add a link to your main blog
    • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above and below your name in the list and leave a meaningful comment on their blog.
    • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse.
    • There is no obligation and no pressure to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. šŸ™‚
    • Family Friendly Blogs ONLY please. Explicit sites will be removed.

    If you have any questions or concerns about the rules, please click HERE to read a post that should clarify things a bit.

    Grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

    New Friend Fridays

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Thanks for hosting again; I don’t think i’ve missed but just a few of your friendly blog hops every Friday. I would very much like to extend an invitation to you and Trendy Treehouse to stop over at my blog for my new Friday blog hop. I’ve got your button on my sidebar. Could you give me some fellow blogger love back and post my blog hop button too on your sidebar once you link up? Thanks friend! Roz over at La Bella Vita (ps: I already follow both of you and have for some time). Bye for now!

  2. I would love to try out the Clean Water filtration system.

  3. I like the degreaser…I’m always splattering something all over my stovetop. Does she have something to clean the kids too…LOL?!

  4. I would actually buy the Get Clean water filter…I am looking to replace my Brita and it sounds like this one would be more effective anyway!

  5. And…I love Bonnie’s blog and I have been a follower now for a few months šŸ™‚

  6. Thanks for hosting NFF! It’s a great opportunity to meet so many other bloggers!
    Love Bonnie’s blog and have been wanting to try the Shaklee products. Just starting with the Basic H2 would be super!

  7. I would love to try the degreaser too!

  8. I need some automatic dishwasher soap – mine just isn’t doing the job! mandybeez at gmail

  9. thanks for hosting! what a great giveaway! my favorite product is the scour off paste! I recently purchased some and it is AWESOME!!!

  10. Where have I been? I’m your newest follower here and what a great blog hop this is. I love the icons. Hope you’ll come visit and follow my blog too. Can’t have too many blogger friends I always say. Smiles


  11. My sister in law got a giant Shaklee kit for her bridal shower and I was soooo jealous! I am a cleaning nut and one of my favorite and most relaxing things to do is clean and buy cleaning products. I would definitely have to get the degreaser and I would love to get the entire Get Clean Healthy Home Pack! Hopefully I win! Peace and Love!

  12. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    Thank you for hosting this!!! Love browsing new blogs!

  13. I need that scour off product! Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. I follow Bonnie’s blog “House of Grace”! Thanks for sharing! Lots of wonderful ideas!

  15. I already follow Bonnie over at House of Grace.

  16. I REALLY REALLY want to try the Scour off. My least favorite cleaning to do is my overn. It is AWFUL. Thanks for the giveaway šŸ™‚

  17. Scour off could likely be my newest best friend lol

  18. I visited the Shaklee site and I think I could really use the Basic H2 around here! There are several things that need more than just a polish in my house! LOL!

    Now following House of Grace’s blog as well!


  19. I’m following Bonnie’s blog…and I love the New Friend Friday!

  20. I follow House of Grace! Thank’s for this great giveaway!

  21. Really wanna try the Scour Off!!

  22. I would love to try the Basic H.. With all my children, I could definitely use it.

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