The Girl Creative and The Trendy Treehouse have officially teamed up to co-host New Friend Fridays! Each week you will have the chance to add a link to your main blog to the ever growing list below. New Friend Fridays is a fun blog hop where it’s all about making new bloggy friends and offering meaningful comment support to other bloggers. Whether you add your link to the list at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse it’s all just one great big list.

The Rules are Simple:
  • Add a link to your main blog
  • Visit the blog of the person whose name is above and below your name in the list and leave a meaningful comment on their blog.
  • Visit as many blogs as you can and leave comments telling them you are visiting from New Friend Fridays at The Girl Creative or The Trendy Treehouse.
  • There is no obligation and no pressure to follow everyone who follows you. Please just follow the blogs that are of interest to you. šŸ™‚
  • Family Friendly Blogs ONLY please. Explicit sites will be removed.

If you have any questions or concerns about the rules, please click HERE to read a post that should clarify things a bit.

So, grab a button, post it somewhere on your blog and get ready to make some new friends!

New Friend Fridays

Due to the amount of content that is used without permission and proper credit, I am no longer allowing a full RSS feed. I value each and every reader so I hope you will click through and come visit!


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  1. Hey Diane,

    Well, I’m an old friend in the blog world, but I’ll try to leave a meaningful comment! Thanks for hosting this again – I get some new friends form this each week. With your clarification post during the week, I started to get paranoid about whether I’ve been following the rules…

    I’m still loving my blog design! Have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Everyone, Tara from Trendy Treehouse. Happy to have joined up with Diane and to meet all the new friends. I have already found some great new blogs. Hope you have a terrific weekend! Thanks again Diane for the team up. I am very excited about it!

  3. Hi,

    I like the part where you say: leave a meaningful comment!!! I know what you mean. Its hard to take when bloggers just write: Following you, follow back!

    Grrr! I dont think they even read anything. Its seems to be a race to add new followers. Anyway, here I am just saying hi and thank you for establishing some great etiquette rules.

    Anne-Marie šŸ˜€

  4. Yeah for Friday! Thanks for hosting….off to visit some of these great blogs. The blog looks great!

  5. Thanks for hosting. I didn’t grab the new button. posted before I saw it. But will grab it next week.

    Have a great day.

  6. thanks for the party + hope you are having a great summer so far!

  7. Love the new button! I am new to this New Friend Fridays but am finding it lots of fun. Gives me the opportunity to visit other blogs that I may not have found on my own. Thank you!

  8. Well, I think your Wednesday post combined with the new guidelines worked! So far I haven’t had any crappy “Following you, now follow me back!” comments! Thank goodness. šŸ™‚

  9. Way to go, TGC! Can I just call you GC since you call me PL now??? See you tomorrow at Melissa’s, you piece! Good job w/ the party on here! WHEN ARE YOU DESIGNING MY BLOG?????????

  10. I love the new button. I also really appreciate the supportive and constructive advice that goes along with this hop. Thanks for hosting. I always find some fantastic new blogs!

  11. PL – come to Mom’s early tomorrow and we’ll do the design. I’m bringing my laptop. šŸ™‚

  12. LOVE your blog! found your link last week on another blog. This is my first time linking up.
    have a great weekend. {gonna bookmark you so i can come back for a longer visit}

  13. Shel at Dreamy Nest says:

    Thank you so much for hosting. I love this party. I always find such great blogs!

  14. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    Thank you for this awesome linky! I just wish all the blogs that offer such linkies would have an email subscription option to subscribe:) Following through blog roll is often times to time consuming.

  15. Thank you for hosting this opportunity to meet new people! It’s great to search through the list and find people that I have things in common with! Love it!

  16. What a great idea! I tried to add my link but I don’t think it worked- it’s been 20 minutes and still has not shown up! šŸ™ I am having fun visiting others’ links though. šŸ™‚

  17. whimsy*couture*sewing*tutorials says:

    OMG, there are soooo many wonderful blogs listed! Can someone please tell me where to get enought time from to visit them all? LOL

  18. This is such a nice idea….great to be able to both get and show some support! Thanking you!

  19. Corinne Rodrigues says:

    Diana – Love your blog. You’re so very creative – and since I’m all thumbs I’m really floored by the stuff on your Teach Me Tuesdays…Also loved the Sugar Scrub idea….
    Look forward to visiting often – since I’m following you now.

  20. Dang it….I added a project instead of just my site. I was in the mode of my new crafting project. Please delete it and forgive me!

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