Easy, peasy cheesy pizza scrolls that are easy to make and taste just like pizza – but all rolled up!


Make sure you’re following my blog so you’re not missing a single recipe. Also follow along on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!

One day, an hour before lunchtime, I was feeling particularly bored . My to-do list was rather long (as it usually is), but I was bored. Read: lazy. I didn’t want to do anything I had written down, so I was suffering the consequences. I just wanted to do something different and productive before returning to my monstrous to-do list. So I decided to flip through a well-loved kid’s cookbook we have. Cookbooks are my favourite type of books.


And then I came across this recipe. Pizza Scrolls. We’ve made this recipe a numerous amount of times and it’s always a hit. I don’t think we’ve ever had leftovers from these scrolls. So I decided to cure my boredom by baking these pizza scrolls for lunch. And then once eaten, they gave me the energy and dedication to tackle everything I had written down on my to-do list.

These pizza scrolls are easy and cheesy. Ha! That rhymes. The scone dough is the perfect dough for this recipe, and you can even use half-wholemeal-half-white flour if you want to. The fillings are pretty versatile too – you can add in whatever you have on hand. Ham, bacon, chicken, mushrooms and pineapple would all work well. They’re a great hit with kids too, and make for an excellent lunchbox or picnic food.



Pizza Scrolls

makes 12

2 cups self raising flour

1 tbsp castor sugar

30g butter

3/4 cup milk

1/4 cup tomato paste

2 tbsp italian herbs

1 medium green capsicum, diced

1/2 red capsicum, diced

1/2 white onion, diced

2 cups grated cheese (I used a mix of tasty and mozerella)


For the full directions on how to make these pizza scrolls, read the post on my blog here.

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  1. I am a pizza lover…these sound great. Grand daughter coming this weekend, guess what we are going to bake!

  2. “For the full directions on how to make these pizza scrolls, read the post on my blog here.” This is very confusing aren’t I on the blog? this is on thegirlcreative.com/pizza-scrolls. Also, you mention you “flip through a well-loved kid’s cookbook” what is the cookbook? is this recipe from that cookbook? don’t you need to site the cookbook you took the recipe from?

    1. Hi Rachel – this blog is written mostly by me (Diana) but I do have contributors who write here as well. This post is from our food contributor, Grace, and she provides a link at the bottom of this post to the instructions on her blog. She may not have a link to the cookbook if it’s an older one – or one that may have been passed down in her family. I hope you will click through to her blog and give the recipe a try. It looks delicious!! XOXO – Diana

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