I can’t believe I actually banged out 2 sewing projects in one week. That like NEVER happens! And it really shouldn’t have happened this week. I have so.much.housework. to do! What can I say, I’m a slacker at it’s finest! lol

Anyway, I saw a cute little clutch at Homemade by Jill that got me thinking along the purse lines. I’ve never made a purse and I’m not even really sure you can call what I made one. I didn’t use any snaps or buttons and I didn’t even make any lining. But I still think it came out way cute and if anything my girls will get some use out of it.

Not sure if you can see it in the picture but it’s pleated, sort of. I wanted one pleat in the front but it turned out to be more like one really big pleat in the front. Would you believe I didn’t measure anything? I didn’t even iron. I may as well rename this blog “The Girl Lazy”.

I didn’t take any progress pictures but I will *try* to explain.

  • First I took an even piece of fabric and folded it in half.
  • I then folded the fabric over somewhat near the ends and pinned in place making the “pleat”. I did that on both ends of the fabric
  • Then I took a coordinating piece of fabric, made sure it was the same width as my bag fabric, folded the 2 ends in and then folded in half making the band (the polkat dot part).
  • I made 2 of these and sewed them both over the top of the bag.
  • At this point my bag is still opened – I have not sewed it together yet so in essence it’s still a “flat” piece of fabric. Not sure if that made sense.
  • Next I folded my fabric in half, right sides together and pinned.
  • I sewed a straight stitch diagonal across each end corner to give the bottom of the back a little more character and shape.
  • Sew each side of the bag leaving just the top opened.
  • Turn bag right side out.
  • I then took a piece of fabric, folded the same way I folded the band part and made the handle.

I think this is by far the worst tutorial ever written and I’m pretty sure all you seasoned seamstresses are cringing at my descriptions (or lack thereof) but all in all, it turned out pretty good. šŸ™‚

Here’s another shot of it.
What do you think?

My husband just told me he’s taking us out to dinner tonight (I just love him!) since I have a ton of cleaning to do today so I better get going!! Don’t forget New Friend Friday tomorrow. We have a really cool giveaway going on too!

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  1. PeaceLoveApplesauce says:

    I think you did a fabulous job!!

  2. I totally laughed when you mentioned your sewing in lieu of housework. This is me to a t. I would really love to start a blog and call it “All the things I have done besides the housework” and then I thought better of it – it could really get out of hand. Great purse!

  3. Emily {Frilly Details} says:

    What an adorable bag!!! Great job! And without a pattern? Wow šŸ™‚

  4. This is gorgeous!! Totally love this! Great job!

  5. How stinkin cute! LOVE IT!

  6. Great job on the purse. I love the fabric together. So cute!! Thanks for sharing at Spring has Sprung at Fun to Craft.

  7. Love it!!!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft On Thursday at Life As Lori… Please join me next week for another great party!

  8. That is the cutest ever!!! The prints are brilliant together and the design it do die for!!!

    Poppies at Play

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