If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook then this should come as no surprise to you that I had major, MAJOR Silhouette envy! Everyone seemed to be getting in on all the Silhouette promotions………….except Little ‘ol Me. 🙁 A few weeks ago I was having a meltdown (thanks pregnancy hormones!!) and was just having a bad afternoon when I got an email from Silhouette asking me if I’d be interested in trying out their machine and their Rhinestone Starter Kit. Ummm, HELLO???? Heck yeah!! lol To say I was over the moon about it would be an understatement. If I wasn’t pregnant, you just might have seen me doing a happy dance like this:

Well, of course the wheels in my head started turning and here’s what I came up with.

Ah, I should probably back track a bit. We just redid our girls room and I had all sorts of ideas for room decor using Rhinestones. I wanted to do a wall sign that had something princess-y on it. So I picked up a cheapy picture from the dollar store, painted it a nice pale pink and had the brilliant idea of ironing the rhinestone design that I chose onto it. Ummm, yeah…………not such a great idea after all. I originally had wanted to Mod Podge fabric onto the picture and then use the Rhinestones from Silhouette on it but couldn’t get to my fabric stash so figured I’d give this idea a whirl. Didn’t work.

Plan B – I decided to embellish my daughters new spring jackets with an adorable rhinestone crown and “princess” design from the Silhouette Shop.They both have the same jackets and normally we have to look inside and check out the sizes to figure out whose is whose so I figured this would be a cute way to be able to tell them apart. This one pictured to the left is my oldest daughter Emilee’s jacket. I used the pink rhinestones from my Rhinestone Starter Kit on the back of her jacket with the princess template that I purchased from Silhouette for just 99 cents.

Here I used a tiara on my youngest daughter Gracie’s jacket that I also purchased from the Silhouette store for just 99 cents as well. They were both really pleased with the “studs” on their new “duds”.

What a fun project this was to do. I had no idea that you could even do anything like this with the Silhouette. Whatever will they come up with next?

If you are just itching for a Silhouette, here is a perfect opportunity for you to get your hands on one. Silhouette is running a promotion from April 21 through April 26 which includes all of this sparkly goodness:

A Silhouette SD

The Rhinestone starter kit
3 additional packs of rhinestones
And 1 Pick Me Up tool
ALL FOR $229!
This Rhinestone Bundle includes:
The Silhouette SD
2 sheets of rhinestone template material
2 sheets of rhinestone transfer tape
2 rhinestone backing boards
1 rhinestone placement brush
1 CD of rhinestone images
1 pack of clear 10ss rhinestones
1 pack of clear 16ss rhinestones
1 pack of clear 20ss rhinestones
1 pack of pink 10ss rhinestones
1 Pick-Me-Up tool
This is an incredible deal worth $125 in savings!

To take advantage of this amazing deal, (think Mother’s Day gifts) click HERE. Be sure to use code: GIRLCREATIVE at checkout to get the special pricing!!!! You will not be sorry!!!

Trust me, once you get your hands on this machine, your creativity will just go through the roof. There are just so many things you can do with it. Here are just some ideas that I have going through my head that you could do with the Silhouette and the Rhinestone Starter Kit:

  • How about make one of those fabric pennant banners that you see everywhere and use the rhinestones to spell out your little princesses name on it?
  • Or, do what I had originally intended to do: Grab a cheapy picture from the dollar store, apply a cute rhinestone design to a piece of fabric and then Mod Podge it onto the picture. Add a ribbon and you have a cutesy little piece of wall art for any little girls bedroom or playroom.

Oh and guess what? If you already own a Silhouette, they are offering a 30% discount off of ALL THINGS RHINESTONE! No discount code needed for this purchase! 🙂

Ooohh, I’m so excited! Hurry up! You have until April 26 to seal the deal!!! 🙂

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  1. Oh, I could see me becoming totally addicted to this if I had one!

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