*This is a paid campaign with The Blueprint Social and Plaid Crafts but the thoughts are entirely my own.

This is my FAVORITE time of year so I’m super excited to share with you my first Christmas project – a simple Christmas centerpiece using supplies from Martha Stewart Crafts. When I first started blogging and I didn’t really think too much about what my  niche was, I just made what I wanted, when I wanted. Now, if I had to narrow it down, I would definitely say it’s simple projects. My attention span is practically non-existent and I have 3 kids so I need quick, simple crafts and this Christmas centerpiece fits the bill! I even managed to pull it off with all 3 kids at home. BOOM!

Simple Christmas Centerpiece

:::The Supplies:::


Glass Bowl

Christmas Ornaments (purchased in the dollar bins at Target)

Martha Stewart Matte Finish Decoupage

Martha Stewart Glitter Finish Decoupage

Paper Cutouts (or other embellishments of choice)

Paint Brush

DIY Centerpiece Supplies

(Tip: To clean a used, dirty candle just use a brillo pad and water and the soot comes right off. I wash candles down all the time and they always light back up once dry.)

After I cleaned my candle, I took a paint brush and brushed a coat or 2 of the matte finish decoupage over the outside of the candle. I then took my foil cut out (from the Martha Stewart line – available at Michael’s or online at Plaid), placed it on the outside of the candle and covered the entire candle in another coat of decoupage.


Decoupage Candle

While the candle dried, I took my glass bowl, turned it upside down and covered with about 2 coats of Martha Stewart glitter decoupage. I decided to take one of the foil cut outs and place it foil side down onto the bottom of the bowl. I sealed it with a few coats of the  glitter decoupage. I figured if I decided to use the bowl to put some chips or something in it for a party, a nice little design on the bottom of the bowl  might be fun.

Glitter Decoupage

glitter decoupage

decoupaged bowl

After everything was dry, I put the candle in the center of the bowl and surrounded it with Christmas Ornaments. You could also use pine cones too if you wanted. In fact, you can use it for any occasion really. You aren’t limited to Christmas.

simple christmas centerpiece

Christmas Centerpiece9

Christmas Centerpiece12

The cool thing about this project is you can use the candle and bowl together or separately. They are both really nice on their own as well.

Christmas Candle

Now here are my thoughts on the products I used: in all honesty, I really love Martha Stewart’s line of craft supplies. I have had the opportunity to use many of her paints, brushes and stencils and they are some of my favorites to date. I found that the decoupage went on very smoothly and it dried quicker than I thought. I also totally dig that when you use her decoupage on your projects, it’s dishwasher safe if it’s something you use to serve food out of. Score! As I mentioned earlier, you can pick up the full line of Martha Stewart crafts either at your local Michaels or online at Plaid.

To keep up with what’s going on over at Plaid Crafts, LIKE them on Facebook, Sign up for their newsletter or check out their Martha Stewart Crafts Pinterest board and get inspired.

Check out some more amazing projects using Martha Stewart Crafts

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  1. Cute! Easy idea. Thank you for sharing! Never thought about using cutouts!

  2. So pretty Diana!! I love the pretty gold against glass, perfect for Winter & Christmas šŸ™‚ Pinning!! xo

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