Dora from Show Tell Share is with us today for our final Blogiversary Guest Post. Please stop by her blog and say hello!


Over a decade ago I loved making handmade cards. I marveled at the fact that I had forgotten how much I loved them.

    They are all from the fabulous Impress Rubber Stamps store. ( I am not getting paid to advertise them, I used to go there all the time and took classes there too. Sadly, we moved away. I still love their stamps though!) It was time to put them to use again! This time on some pillowcases and sheets. I picked stamps that reminded me of Fall. A light tan pillowcase, red, copper and light sand colored paints.

You need cotton fabric. Not knit! Woven works best. The smoother the better. A simple skirt, a button down shirt or some linens.

    Grab a paint roller and some acrylic paint, your favorite stamps and you are ready. A word of advice: on a scrap piece of fabric do some trial runs, test colors and how the stamps look.

    Roll the paint onto the stamp. Be careful not to push down on the roller, or there will be way too much paint on the stamp and you will end up with unrecognizable gobs of paint on your fabric.

    Gently put the stamp on the fabric and with the palm of your hand apply gentle pressure on the whole stamp. If you practiced on a scrap piece of fabric, you will be able to tell how much pressure you need.

All done? Let the paint dry. Next, set the paint with heat. You can throw your fabric in the dryer on the highest heat the fabric can take for about 30 minutes. Or put a piece of paper on top of of your design and iron on both sides of the fabric. For best results, wait a week or two before washing it.


Thank you, Dora, for sharing your project with us! šŸ™‚



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  1. This is so pretty! I need more time to do things! šŸ™‚

  2. Beautiful idea! I love this!
    Bon @ Drab to Fab

  3. Very pretty! If you put masking tape over your wood block before you apply the paint to your stamp, you can avoid all that red paint on your wood block next time. Makes for easier clean up.

  4. thanks for the tut ! i always wondered if it was possible to stamp on an piece of fabric an dyes , now I knwo it can be done !
    I presume you use special paint for it ?

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