Penne a la Vodka is one of my favorite pasta dishes! We have a few local restaurants that really make it well and probably since the first time I ate it, I’ve been trying to master Vodka Sauce. I’ve tried several recipes and none of them gave me the taste of restaurant style Vodka Sauce that I really, really love. A few years ago, that.all.changed. I came across a recipe at All Recipes and after a few attempts I finally mastered it! Yes!

Vodka Sauce

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  1. That looks like a great recipe! This is one of my husband’s all time favorite dishes…I just might have to make this over the weekend!

    1. Oh, let me know if you do. 🙂 I’m making it for a party in a few weeks and I’m so excited to have some! lol

  2. Oh, this is a good one. With the heavy cream especially…. oh, yes. I haven’t tried it with the garlic and now I will. Hands down, it’s my favorite Italian dish. I think it just got waaaay better with the garlic. I’m going to try it your way. Awesome post friend.

  3. Fantastic recipe! I have been looking for the perfect vodka sauce for so long and thanks to you, I’ve found it! I made this a couple weeks ago, it was fantastic! Made some slight changes, mainly in the portion of some of the ingredients. But all in all, it’s a great sauce! Props to you my friend!

  4. This was ABSOLUTELY delicious and I too, have tried many , many vodka sauce recipes. I added grated cheese at the end and may add trader joes sun dried tomatoes next time around but overall this was excellent. Thank you.

  5. Excellent, my husband, Dad, and son loved it! I only had half and half so I’m sure it would have been even richer if I had the heavy cream. We added shrimp and it was perfect. thank you! My husband said “this one is a keeper” and he is the usually the one who makes sauce in our house.

    1. Yay!!! So happy to hear this!!! I think I added bacon the last time I made it and it was that much better!! 🙂 Will have to try shrimp next time.

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