Ah, I finally found some time to do a little craft in between the Mr. leaving for work this afternoon and going to pick my daughter up from Kindergarten. I de-christmasafied my house over the weekend and normally I don’t decorate for any other holidays but since I’ve been crafting regularly these days I decided to get on the “Decorate Your House for Every Odd Holiday” band wagon.

We’re really trying hard not to do any unnecessary spending so any future projects are just going to have to be from stuff I find around the house. At least until my birthday in March when I’ll get some birthday money and I can re-stock.

Okay, enough babbling, lets get to it. I did not take any progress pictures but it was really very simple. Here’s the materials list:

  • Metal Hanger
  • Wire Cutters
  • Scrap fabric and/or ribbon

The first thing I did was cut the top off of my hanger. Then I just took my scraps of fabric and ribbon and started tying them onto the wire. I did not shape it until I had enough material on it.

I had a hard time twisting the wire together so I made a loop on each end and hooked them together. Hopefully the picture will help explain that part. I shaped it into a heart and then finally just added some ribbon for hanging purposes. It was very easy. Didn’t take me long at all. The only problem I ran into was that I cut some of my scraps too short making some of them hard to tie so be generous when cutting your ribbon and fabric. You can always trim it afterward.

I’m linking to these fabulous link parties:

A Soft Place to Land
Today’s Creative Blog
Blue Cricket Design
Somewhat Simple


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  1. Great idea & I like the using up scraps concept. This would be fun with the kids too. I recently discovered your blog & love it. I’ve got a crafty blog & would be thrilled to be on your blog roll:)


  2. darling!!! I love it!

  3. So fun Diana! I cna’t believe it’s Vday craft time already! I just put Christmas away!

  4. Another way to use my scraps… my mom used to make these… love it!

  5. What a cute idea! I was just wishing this week that I had more valentine decorations. This might be a good project for me to try.

  6. I am Amy’s friend and I copied it too….LOVE your blog…Thanks for the tips. I have a crafty blog at http://www.libertyslayouts.blogspot.com if you want to check it out….pretty much, I just copy other ideas I find on the internet, but sometimes with a twist. Thanks again.

  7. This is precious!!
    I have a thrifty blog. And I have a goal to post a crafty project each week. I just set up my new blog location (moved from blogger to wp), so sadly I cannot say all of my projects are linked under crafts, but I’m trying!! 🙂

  8. This is so cute, and very simple…What a fun idea!!!



  9. so can you tell me how much fabric/ribbon you need?
    I am going to try a st. pattys day wreath…

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